Chapter one

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[A/N] Thank you for reading. I’m very nervous for this book to be posted. I’ve been working on it for a while now and it’s my baby. Please, please tell me what you think. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I will post up more chapters once I get responses. Once again THANK YOU for reading. =)

Chapter 1

Part one

Mona (my beginning)

Sometimes life can feel so amazing, like you’re floating on the highest cloud in the sky. Everything is great, grand, the most amazing day or feeling ever, until we look down. We always look down, and once we look down we start questioning it.

Why are we floating?

Am I being to unrealistic?

Can I really be this happy?

And instead of enjoying something amazing we penalize our self and then once again we’re falling, falling so fast to the black depths we created for ourselves.

Sadly to say I attend to always do this to myself; and as a end result,  just as fast as my wonderful day came it was gone, just like that, like smoke in your hands, without realizing it or knowing why, it’s impossible to catch or have, it will just vanish in thin air. 

That’s why I started thinking Trisha was an amazing being, she never let life get her down, and she never over analyze it. She would just live life and love every second of the ride.

With her fiery red long hair blowing in the wind as she drove wildly in her car with the top down, she never was the type of person to question 'Why can’t we catch smoke with our hands?”

instead she would embrace the smoke, accept the fact she can’t catch it and just let the smoke be smoke.

She never looked down from the clouds, instead she will try to go further in the sky, with the rays of the sun glistening on her pale skin and her shining smile facing up at the sky as she tilts her head back, laughing joyfully at the blissful moment.

Trisha was my best friend, my role model, she was someone that I wanted to be, I wanted people to love me, to want to be around me, too fond over me, make me feel special. To think of me as a changing vibrant Autumn leaf, never landing but always drifting with the wind, not as the pile of leafs you step on, that are mushy and wet, and annoying to get off your shoe. I wanted more than ever to look through Trisha eyes and see the world as she saw it, to look at me and not see a spiral chaos ready to happen. I just had to be her.

So naturally; One evening Trisha and I was walking by the pond, it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining there was a nice cool breeze in the air, the flowers was blooming, the pond water had a certain sparkle to it, the birds was singing, it was just that “the” perfect day, a great day; for Trisha Blake to die. 

O don’t worry I killed her quickly, so she wouldn’t feel the agonizing pain shoot through her body as I smashed her head in with a log, I found on our journey through the woods to the pond.

It only took me three hits, and with the final third blow, I watch beautiful, amazing Trisha hit the ground with a thud, hearing her skull crack as the log made contact with her head.

Surprisingly she didn’t scream, she just open her mouth in shock and the blood poured out from it, and she took her final gasp of life, and just like that, Trisha Blake’s wonderful life was over and mine had just begun.

People always say that Trisha and I looked alike; I never saw it until now as I dyed my hair the same fiery red as hers. 

We had the same facial features, our nose was tiny and long, our eyes was round and green, we both had high cheekbones, straight shinning teeth; that I had to wear braces for and Trisha was just blessed with. The only difference was that I was hiding behind a full brown mousy curly hair, while Trisha had straight flowing blonde hair that she dyed red.  Our bodies were also the same; we had a petite shape, nice size portion of everything.

Trisha Blake (Book 1 of the Varlawn Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now