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I get up it being a weekend now. Not having fallen asleep since 2 AM. I get changed and head to the door. I leave a note saying that I will be gone for a bit. I walk towards a bridge peering over the edge. I climb up and sit at the edge. "Well I guess my time is up. Goodbye world, goodbye life, only if I had a knife." I sigh realizing I rhymed a bit. All of a sudden a cat comes running by quite skinny and really girly looking. Must be a Tom boy. "Hey can you give me a push girl." I say and the cat starts speaking. "First off I am a boy. Secondly please help me there's a bunch of people chasing me!" He says fearfully and out of breath as I see a bunch of Furs running after him. Shouting things that are inaudible from them shouting over each other. "Oh uh sure I guess..." I blush hard that I mistook him for a girl and climb down as he cowers behind me. I get a good look at the guys and think yep I'm gonna die. "Go run on ahead I'll just hold them off I had a death wish anyways." I say with a sigh. "N-no! I can't just leave someone like that!" He says but I don't give a singular fuck. "Start running or I am not helping." He contemplates for a moment and then starts to run again. When they get close to me I jump at one of them holding him to the ground, punching him a few times before they can pull me off. They kick me in the stomach and head and I just curl up in a ball. Then theirs a siren and they must have thought that it was the cops and they run off. I get up and brush myself off seeing that it's a fire truck and chuckle. I check myself and cough seeing some blood but nothing to bad. "This hurts..." I sigh. "Well now I don't want to fucking die just great." I grumble. Fuck this I hate it life is literally torturing me I'm always about to die but never get finished off. I think to myself heading back home. On my way home I bump into the same cat again this time getting a better look at him. He is a mainly grey cat with orange, blue and a slightly darker grey on his legs forearms. With orange and blue ears, muzzle, and stomach with a dark grey V shaped line going along his stomach and finally yellow eyes with black pupils. "O-oh uh s-sorry. T-thanks for saving me back there..." He says shyly looking down. "Yeah... No problem..." I say and sigh looking around a bit. "Anyways my names Pause incase your wondering since we never really met properly." I say sounding a bit stressed and annoyed. He's pretty cute though I have to admit. I thought to myself. "Oh I'm Spexx..." He says still sounding nervous. "Nice to meet you. You don't seem mean like all the other pricks in this town. We should hang out." I say cheering up slightly. "Yeah. That sounds nice!" He smiles looking more excited.
Spexx's Pov
I can't wait we're going to the park. He is strong, protective, and hot. Protective from what I can tell at least. I'm following his lead not knowing where anything is because I just moved here. He also seems kind and helpful for the most part. But it's kind of hard to tell since we just met. "Wait a second. Can we go check on my cousin in the hospital before we go to the park I want to make sure he's okay." He says to me a bit concerned and I just nod. We change directions and see that the hospital is relatively nearby. "So what happened to him anyways." I ask curiously but also a bit concerned about his cousin. Even though I barely know Pause and don't know his cousin at all. "He got stabbed quite a few times." He looks both angry and sad as he says it and I decide not to push any further. "Well I hope he will be okay." I say trying to show that I care. "Yeah... Anyways what do you like to do for fun and hobbies all that stuff." He says and I stretch my arms a bit as we walk. "Well I like to listen and play music, I like to draw, and also I like to cook, Sometimes I write a bit but I'm not that good at it or any of those things really." I say sort of sadly having low self esteem. "I'm sure your really good at them all. I would love to help you some time." He says with a smile on his face. That cheers me up a bit. "Yeah that would be nice." I say smiling back. Do I already have a crush on him!?! He's just so amazing but it's so early I can't crush on him already! I think to myself blushing slightly. "Hey are you okay you look a bit warm." He says and I panic slightly. "I uh am uh just hot from the walking and uh the warmth of the uh sun!" I say with slight panic and he laughs. "Okay whatever you say." He says laughing and I blush harder feeling embarrassed. We arrive at the hospital starting to walk up to it. There's some people talking to the receptionist so we go and sit on a couch in the waiting room while we wait.

Authors Note: Hey sorry this chapter took so long I had writers block and just felt lazy gonna be honest. But I finally got it done. Also sorry if the last chapter seemed incomplete or something I think it might of bugged a bit but I'm not a hundred percent sure. I still have a bit of writers block so I don't know when I'll release the next chapter. Bye!

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