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A/N: This is my Halloween special update thing. Sorry for the long wait and I just realized I didn't do one so finishing/starting this today.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters they are dressing up as or talk about dressing up as.

Pause's Pov
I woke up in my bed Fuzz being beside me same with Spexx. Spexx looked really worried where as Fuzz looked excited. "Hey Pause get up tomorrow is Halloween!" Fuzz bounces excitedly. "How long was I out for?" I groan. "About a month or so... As Fuzz said its almost Halloween." Spexx explains and I look kind of shocked. "Holy crap that's a long time." I exclaim as Spexx looks down sighing and Fuzz tugs my arm. "We got a bunch of costumes to wear! Come on..." He says and I groan getting up my body kind of aching. "I gotta go my dad's waiting for me at home." Spexx says before leaving with a slight wave. Fuzz pulls me to his computer showing me Halloween costumes. "This one looks cool!" He says showing me a costume for high IQ intellectuals and I chuckle. "Yeah kind of does." I say then stretch a bit. "See any you like Pausy." Fuzz says with an adorable look on his face and I ruffle up the fur on his head. "No but let's keep looking." I then spot one I like. "I think I'll be that one." I pick Reaper from Overwatch not playing the game much but liking the characters a bunch. Fuzz then smiles. "Okay let's get daddy to bring us to the store!" He runs downstairs and I laugh. "If only he knew how bad that sounds." I say laughing to myself and soon were all in my Uncles car. "Fuzz your costume is in the garage remember we got it finished earlier today." My Uncle says and Fuzz beams with joy. "Yay!!!" He bounces with joy in his seat and I just think to myself 'It's cute how he's so happy.' We arrive at the store way quicker then I thought. We went in looking for the costume soon finding and buying it. We head home and I ask Fuzz. "What is your costume?" He just looks at me and says "It's a secret." He then heads to my room and I go to bed falling asleep having a dreamless sleep wondering about what it is. The next morning I get up and notice Fuzz isn't in his usual spot at the counter. I look around but can't find him. He must of left early. I go and put on my costume and head to school hoping people won't recognize me. When I arrive I see a bunch of furs in amazing costumes. At least most of them are. I walk around a bit not being picked on for once I don't think people can recognize me with the costume. I smile and look for Fuzz. I spot some kind of mech thing and realize it's D.va's mech from Overwatch. It looks really well done. I go to see who's in it. I then realize it's Fuzz and he smiles. I didn't even know he knew about the game let alone want to dress up as D.va. His mech was done so well it looked like the actual thing. "Hi Pause!" He says with a smile and I just stare in awe. Luckily no one heard him of else I may of gotten beaten. "Wow Fuzz that looks amazing!" He then pushes a button and backflips out of it impressing me. "Thanks I guess doing the gymnastics helped to." He smile and stretches a bit going back in saying. "Suiting up!" The suit actually moves it's legs and stuff and seems to work like the actual thing except for the weapons just being props and stuff. "How is the school allowing you to do this?" I say and he replies with. "Maybe it's cause I'm in the costume competition." I check out the mech. "Damn Fuzz." He just giggles in response. Spexx comes up wearing girls clothes and I start to laugh. "Yeah I know very funny... Wasn't my choice to wear this... I lost a bet I was sure I would win." Spexx says and to make it worse his clothes look skimpy and he's wearing a bunch of make up actually looking really cute. "It's just took me by surprise." I chuckle a bit and hug him quickly.
Spexx's Pov
It's so weird... I actually like wearing this for some reason. I feel bad that I did some snooping while he was asleep but he had panties and I may or may not have took some along with his underwear. God I'm weird I probably am like a stalker pervert or some crap now. Anyways the competition happened and somehow Fuzz lost which is bull crap he came in second that's so fucking bull shit the person who won didn't even have a good costume. Anyways Fuzz was disappointed for a bit. The bell just rang and I went to put my stuff away then a note falls saying. 'Secret Gay Party 1450 cobble road be there any time after school.' I smile though also anxious sweet my first party.
Pause's Pov
Me and Fuzz went home for a bit I had spilt something on my costume so I swapped it out for grim reaper costume that was my Uncles from a while ago. Me and Fuzz head out and he really wanted to trick or treat. So I went to do that with him for a bit then go to a party I was invited to. He got a lot of candy for having such an awesome costume while I got a bit to. When I returned I put the candy in my room then left for the party. When I arrived there was a few people there as the host welcomed me in. Everyone was wearing masks and stuff because it was required just incase some straight asshole came or something. It was kind of fun there was a bit of beer which I drank some. I gagged at the taste but didn't want to look like a wimp and downed it anyways. I saw this one cutie and struck up a conversation with him as I drank a little more. I started to get drunk and a little horny to. "Hey why don't we go to some place private." I say nudging him and he smiles. "Sure." His voice sounding kind of familiar. We go into the woods and we life each other's masks a bit and start making out. I start getting a bit hard as our tongues wrestle. But then a bunch of people come and I get a text telling me to come home forcing me to stop. I say a quick goodbye and kiss his cheek leaving realizing I never found out who it was.
A/N: That's it sorry if it felt rush. Happy Halloween :)

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