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Darren pov (Disclaimer I do not own the character just the plot of this story  all character except two of my oc belong to Darren Shan) )

I looked over at Steve who was asleep it felt weird seeing him again Larten Crepsley still glaring at him but he caught my eyes he turn his head sharply away he looked out the window "Darren do you trust him?"


"Then I cant argue with you though I do not trust him I will try to get along good night Darren."

"Good night. "Mr.Crepsley said leaving the room Debbie Hemlock -my old ex girl friend was already at her home and Harkat was no where in slight.

Steve was on my bed he looked peaceful I settled down for the night "I fell asleep I must have slept for a while when I woke up Steve was actually having a civil conversation with Mr.Crepsley.

"So do you know how many tunnel are in this area? "Mr.Crepsley ask his birth city had change over the years

Steve nods "Around 20 all of them are connected to one main.one but it has several exits. "Steve sight "I wish I could be of more help."

"You said you made a rigid that will tell you when they exit right? "

"yeah" Steve pointed to a box "That will make a loud noisy and turn color and say which one it has active"Steve looked over "Can I ask you something? "
"Go ahead."

"I got a called from another of my childhood friend, Tommy Jones,  who saying a group of adult are kidnapping children to give to the Lord of the Vampaneze. He game me some newspaper article can they help?"

Mr.Crepsley looked over at Steve "Children you say I don't believe they are going to kill them but more ot lease make them join them May I see ?"

Steve handed him a paper

The Daily news

Six children are missing after a group of strange men approach them asking them if they wanted to join a group ,or cult, called the Vampaneze worshiper the six children haven't been seen since last Monday. That all I could see.

Mr.Crepsley read over it "It could be related we will head there after we get done here and try to stop them Steve maybe you help me with something. "

"What is it?"

"I have to head out I have been summon to help vote on something can you make sure Darren is safe and he gose to school on time on Monday? "

"Sure I can pose as his uncle for that time you be safe now ."

"Alright. "He disappeared after a moment.

Steve got me to school on time, gave me his phone number,  and pack my lunch School was let out early I called Steve

" Hello. "

"Hi uncle Steve it Darren school let out early can you come get me?"

"Yes hold on I'm coming. "

A teacher ask me if my dad was picking me up I shook my head "We had a family emergency last night my uncle picking me up. " She nod and soon Steve pick me up

Allies in the Night A Darren x Steve StoryWhere stories live. Discover now