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Pov changes Steve each Darren and Steve will have 3 chapter before changing))

I woke up with everyone in my room Darren was telling Mr.Crepsley to look at my leg which he did and immediately growls "Damn Well Darren let do what we did to Debbie that nigh but this time let fill him in ."

Darren nod I yawn opening my eye "h huh."I ask sitting up"Why everyone in my room?"

Darren looked at me "Steve ,do you trust me?"

"Yes."I said confuse he move closer to me

"Good now lay back and relax this might hurt a bit but it be fast."

"What are you going to do?"

Vancha walk over to me "Steve right just relax please ."

I nod laying back relaxing Darren held up what looked like to be a needle I flinch having bad experience with them Darren gently injected me the room went spinning and I thought I felt lips on my neck."Night Steve. "

I don't really know what happened afterword but when I woke up Darren was asleep his hand holding on to mine I smile at the sight my neck hurt I realize we were not in the hotel any more looking around I must have  made a noise Darren jerk up "Steve! "

I open my mouth but no sound or words and came out .Darren rub my head in a claiming manner it relax me I notice some shot by him he was picking one up rubbing my head "I know your afraid of needle so this will be quick I know your unsure of what going on but we need you to be quite and I will explain tomorrow. "

I nod as he gave me the shot then my eyes close.I groan waking up later Darren had my hand and was cover in blood Harkat walk in "Darren take a bath Ill watch Steve. "

Darren reluctantly went Harkat sit next to me my eyes had open "H H Harkat? "My voice was weak and low

Harkat smile " hey Steve. "Pulling the cover over me "Sorry about drugging you we had a problem and Darren wanted to protect you. "

I nod thinking Darren was acting werid before I was about to reply when Mr.Crepsley walk in "Oh your awake.How are you feeling?  "

"Tire may I have some water please?"

"Sure coming up."He left the room then reappeared with a glass of water

I drunk it slowly Mr.Crepsley watch for a moment we were getting along he was helping me "Steve may I ask you something? "

I nod "Yeah."

"Did you notice anything strange when we were at the hotel? "

"I saw handprints on the window but I thought one of you may have came in that way so I didn't think much of it. "I said remember the handprints on the window "I felt like someone was watching me at night. "I looked over "Sorry I thought it was one of you guys."

Harkat sit beside me telling me it was okay I was safe now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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Allies in the Night A Darren x Steve StoryWhere stories live. Discover now