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School was cancel the rest of the week as we enter the room Steve ask me "How you like your lunch. "

It was the best lunch I ever had no offense to Mr.Crepsley "It was  delicious. I said "Better then Mr.Crepsley. "

Steve smile at me "I'm glad."

Steve brought a game for me to play looking out the hotel window frowning "It gonna rain soon probably a thunder storm it will make it hard to tract them ."

I looked over "Well maybe I can go out tonight. "

"Not by yourself I'm afraid  School officials are checking students house so you will have to wait for while ."

I nod the school had been more strick since Tina death they been random checking on students.

Around 6 p.m. a knock sounded at the door Mr.Mose a school officials was checking on me I was the one who open the door "Oh Hello Darren is a family members here?"

"Oh yes my uncle Steve hold on let me get him."I got Steve who came to the door

"Hello there im Steve who are you?"

"Mr. Mose I'm a school officials we been checking on students I see Darren is doing some homework. "

"Yes he has to do his homework before he watches tv or play a game. "Steve reply "He very good at some thing still a little shaky at English but we are working on that."

Mr.Mose smile "I heard he was in a fire do you know what happened? "

I flinch Steve didn't know the cover story so I didn't know what he will say  "Well according to the police the fire was cause by a faulty wire ."Steve said "Can we chang the subject Darren sometime get upset when it mentioned."

Mr.Mose noded after talking for a while he left Steve sigh "Okay homework done ?"

"Yes."I reply showing him my work

"Go take a bath okay Harkat are you hungry? "

The grey skin person came out of Steve room "I am a bit."

Steve nods "Pizza sound good?"

"Yeah."I reply smiling at Steve order some as I headed to take a showers afterwards the pizza was made we had change hotel now we were in a hotel that room.are like a apartment we had three rooms this time Steve phone rings and he excuse his self to talk He came back later sighing

"Well now it Saturday tomorrow night we will continue the hunt for Hookey."

Allies in the Night A Darren x Steve StoryWhere stories live. Discover now