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We search until dawn the next morning we had pick up on his trail but bad luck we couldn't go any father due to high police present.

Steve had fell asleep he exhausted he is human after all.Harkat was watching the news we wasn't caught on camera thank god Harkat went to catch a bath I felt bad that I had to wake Steve so he could take one he groan and went to take a bath then headed to his room I headed the bath and took one as I was headed out of the bathroom I saw Harkat going into his room I stretch and headed to my room laying under the cover falling asleep

I woke up to pancakes cooking walking into the room I saw Steve cooking and Mr.Crepsley standing behind him "Has Darren went to school already? "

"School been canceled for the rest of week I let him sleep Harkat said something about sleeping in."Steve pause "Oh sorry would you like me to make you something or do you want pancakes as well? "

"Ill take some pancakes have you seen my robe?"

"Harkat took it in the bedroom. "Steve said "Humm Should I make you some coffee for you or do you want orange juice or water."

"Coffee please."

"Coming up."Steve made some coffee it was good seeing them getting along

"So Steve any luck on the Vampaneze ?"

"No the weather not on our side and I'm not as fast as Darren but I think we are getting close oh by the way What time did you come in?"

" Before sunrise why?"

"Something was starring at me last night from the window by the time I got up it was gone Im not sure if I was seeing thing or something was there "

Mr.Crepsley thought for a moment "Me and Vancha will keep watch in your room tonight let not alarm Darren. "

"Okay. "

After that we ate and hung out a while Steve went back to bed I guess he didn't sleep well and at lease he resting we had pulled a lot of all nighter .

Me and Steve got a break as Mr.Crepsley and Vancha went on the hunt

Steve was pass out I happened to walk in when I saw his arms scars cover then I frown then notice something more serious I saw Steve was mark as the next victim of the Vampaneze!

Allies in the Night A Darren x Steve StoryWhere stories live. Discover now