"Bermuda! Hey Bermuda, wait up!" Wash yells from behind me. My only friend here at Project Freelancer.
I smile. "Hey, Wash. Where have you been?"
"You know: Freelancer stuff."
My smile fades. "Wash what's wrong?"
"How do you-?!" He jumps back a bit.
"Your posture, your tone. You're pretty obvious when something's wrong, Wash."
He sighs in defeat. "You didn't hear?" I shake my head. "We lost 2 freelancers on yesterdays mission."
"Who?" I ask. 'Nev went on that mission. And I never saw her after that.'
"Penn and Michigan. Killed by a sniper shot between the eyes." He looks at the ground.
"Hey. It's okay, Wash. It happens." I put my hand on his shoulder.
"They hated you, you know."
"Everyone hates me. I don't care. I still respected them for their strength."
"I don't hate you..."
"I know that..." I trail off. "Why does everyone hate me?"
"...They think your weak. That you can't fight. But I know you can. I've seen you train, and to be honest, you fucking kick ass."
I stare at him. "You...saw me train? Wash, when was this?"
He makes random sounds, being him and all. "I think yesterday, when everyone else was watching the new kid train."
"New kid?" I ask.
"Yeah. Wanna meet him?"
"Why not. He'll get his ass handed to him by the end of the day.
'Point Ohio. Resetting training floor to lockdown paint.' FILLIS responds.
"I stand corrected..." I say. Everyone turns around at me-wait, the leaderboards.
'Agent Ohio has entered second.'
Knocking me and South off the board.