An Illusion

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After Papyrus went back to their place with his babies in hand, Sans and his soon to be daughter/son.  Their house was still how they left it. Papyrus, still with Sans in his arms, let himself fall on the couch. Sans squeaked with suddenly being on Papyrus's lap. Papyrus smiled at Sans "So what do we do now bro?" Sans looked up "Hmm? What do you mean?" "I mean-" He sat down next to Sans "-we need to prepare for our soon to be monster child" Papyrus let his body fall on the couch, his skull on the top of the couch "I mean we don't have what we need to take care of a child or experience to know what they will want or or-" Sans pressed his teeth against Papyrus's, he relaxed and closed his eyes(?) letting the kiss consume him. After what felt like minuets, Sans pulled back, out of breath while Papyrus looked at him with wide eyes, also breathless. "P-papyrus sh-shut up" He tried to say but kind-of hard when your breathless. Sans put his skull against Papyrus's head, finally he caught his breath "We both know that we don't have experience with children but I also know that we will be the best fricken parents ever." Papyrus chuckled and covered his eyes with his arm "Yeah your right, I'll try" Sans grinned "Of course I'll be better at it, since I'm The Magnificent Sans!!!" "Yeah yeah heh, yes you are" "Now calm down" "The Magnificent Sans doesnt-" Sans whipped his head around and sniffed the air "Uhhh Sans you ok-" Sans jumped out of where he was sitting and ran to the kitchen, well tried, Papyrus just stared trying to comprehend what just happened  "Sans?" "Nooooo!" Papyrus got up and ran to the kitchen to see what happened "Hey! Bro what-" "Oh" Sans sat on the floor holding the brownies he was baking , burnt "M-my" "Hey Sans its-" "MY BROWNIES!!!" Sans teared up "Hey buddy its ok you can always make another batch" Sans got up and wiped his tears away "Y-your right, but this next batch will be better than this one will ever be!!" "Heh knock yourself out, but be careful-" Papyrus crouched down, in front of Sans growing stomach  "-dont wanna hurt this little one" He kissed Sans's stomach, Sans rested his hand on Papyrus's skull "Dont worry I'll be careful" Papyrus got up and went to the living room to watch tv, while Sans cooked the whole day. 

Night Time 

Sans and Papyrus were both on the couch spooning while watching whatever was on the TV, Sans had joined Papyrus a couple of minutes before. Sans felt his eyes start to droop, Papyrus noticed this and turned off the TV. He then carried Sans to his room, he laid Sans down. "Huh?" Papyrus laid down next to Sans and grabbed the covers. "Shhh go back to sleep" Sans obeyed cuddling with Papyrus "I Love You Papyrus" Papyrus grinned "Ha I Love You Too" Sans was going to say something back but fell to sleep, Papyrus caressed Sans's stomach before falling asleep. 

The Next Morning 

"Hey! Bro wake up!" Sans wined "Ugh five more minuets" Sans turned to his side and pulled the covers up to cover his face, he noticed that these covers felt like his, he opened his eyes gasping "Woah Bro you ok?"  He looked around, noticing that he was in his room, he could have sworn that he fell asleep in Papyrus's. Knock Knock  "I'm coming!" Papyrus yelled "I'll be back bro" He left the room and soon his foot steps faded. Sans was sweating, he felt lighter than usual, he threw the covers on the floor and looked at his stomach. It......It was flat, Sans eyes grew wide, he lifted up his shirt and looked at his stomach again. It was still flat, Sans touched his stomach and started to tear up. 'no no nO NO NO NO!!! This cant be happening!'  "Heh you like your new look?"  Sans tensed up, recognizing that voice "I think you look better like that hehe" Sans looked up "Yoru" "Oh! You remembered my name!" Sans got off from his bed "W-what-" "I know, I know What am I doing here blah blah blah. You must have many questions but you must have noticed that your baby is gone"  Sans was speechless, he just stared at them "That look on your face, yep you know. HAHA iN tHis WoRld YoU hAve NO baBY" Sans felt a wave of emotions hit him... Confusion, Hatred, Scared "Just know one this one thing..............I have the power to reset" 

                             THE END 

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