Chapter 1 - Daniel

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This is dedicated to the thousands of people who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001, and to everyone who lost a mother, father, sibling, or friend on that tragic day.

"Regret is such a pointless emotion, don't you agree?" ~ Cassandra Clare, City of Glass


September 6, 2001


I am wrenched from my restless sleep by a blaring alarm. Groggily, my eyes drift over to examine the face of my alarm clock. It's only a quarter to that definitely wasn't my alarm. I hear another loud wail from the other side of my closed door. "Shit..." I mutter irritably. It's the goddamned smoke alarm. It takes all of my self-control (which isn't much) not to holler down the hall for someone to shut the god forsaken thing off. Eventually, the beeping ceases.

To say I am tired would have been an understatement. First day of sophomore year-sure to be a much less exciting repeat of last year. And not only am I exhausted, I am pissed. My summer nights were wasted on parties and drinking. Dad's work took us to New Jersey two summers ago, just a month before I started high school. I'd been pissed back then too, and I'd been lost. Everything I wanted had been in Virginia. Football, orchestra, an almost-girlfriend. Now all I have are my Coldplay CDs and my "bursting personality".

I drag my tired feet to the bathroom to take a shower. The rising steam is equally refreshing and tranquil. For a moment, I allow my thoughts to wander back to Norfolk...Adrianna (remember that almost-girlfriend I mentioned?) would be awake by now. She would be showered and dressed and her makeup would be flawless. Grant (best friend, stand partner in orchestra, like a brother to me) would be waking up his four sisters and feeding the dog. And no one else would miss me.

I snap back into reality. The water has gone cold, and someone is banging on the door. It shudders on its hinges.

"Dan, if you don't get your ass out of there in less than six seconds, I swear to all that's holy..." Ohhh, the voice of my dear sister Caroline. My absolute favorite thing to hear at seven a.m. I roll my eyes once, twice, then turn the water off.

"Oh, but, sweet Caroline, it takes far more than six seconds to create the perfection that is DanielMatthewPierce." I say with a grin, examining my dark, wet hair in the mirror. I tie a towel around my waist hastily.

"For the love of God, Daniel. I swear, you are a grade-A pain in my ass..." She murmurs, her voice trailing as she walks down the hall. I throw the door open.

"Ya know, if you keep talking like that, you're gonna get struck down for blasphemy or something!" I shout in the general direction of her bedroom. I hear a door slam, and a satisfactory smile spreads across my face.

"Cut it out, you two!" My father's booming voice echoes up the hall, and we both go silent.

Now I'm rushing to get ready. Caroline is giving me a ride to school, and I'm sure she'll want to leave as early as possible.

My sister is a junior in college. She takes her courses online, but on some days (like today) she has to go on to campus. She's usually in quite the mood on these days, but hell, it's better than walking to school. I don't complain.

After (not) much debate, I decide to throw on a pair of blue jeans and a plaid button-up. I'm not trying to be anyone else this year. I want to be liked for me. I pile my books into my backpack and make my way to the kitchen, taking the steps two at a time.

"Good morning Danny! Did you sleep well? Do you want eggs? Bacon? I made toast, too! You'll just have to scrape the black stuff off..." My mother has clearly had her morning coffee already. And we either ran out of decaf, or she's nervous about my first day.

I examine the burnt toast for a moment, connecting it to the smoke alarm this morning. "I think I'll pass on the toast, mom. But eggs and bacon sounds good." She grins and starts moving scrambled eggs onto a plate.

I turn at the sound of someone coming down the steps. "Hey dad." I say as he comes into view.

"Morning, Dan." He replies as he flings stacks of papers into his briefcase. Mom slides my plate toward me, along with a tall glass of orange juice. I can't help but appreciate how much effort my mom puts into making every day special. I think she felt guilty for the longest time. Her job in Virginia had her away from home sometimes 12 hours a day, then she would come home and work some more. But New Jersey would be a fresh start, she had claimed. She was going to be home more, and really be there.

"Alright, I gotta go, I can't miss my train." Dad says frantically. After kissing my mom on the cheek, giving me a pat on the shoulder, and shouting a goodbye up to Caroline, he is out of the door, to start his commute into Manhattan.

Finally, at nearly 7:45, Caroline comes down the stairs, wearing skinny jeans and a floral blouse. Now I see why she wanted the bathroom so badly - her makeup is intricate, and her long golden hair is styled in delicate waves.

"You guys should get going, Danny has to be at school before eight." My mother reminds us. I slide off the stool I was sitting in and pickup my backpack from the floor, ignoring the frown Mom gives me as I abandon my half-full plate of food.

"Bye Mom!" I call as we walk out the door. I just barely hear her reply before Caroline slams the door shut.

~ * ~

Next chapter is on the way ;)

Let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading x

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