Chapter 6 - Daniel

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September 8, 2001


The first weekend of sophomore year, and I already slept in way too late.

I can hear commotion coming from downstairs. It's too early for this. Tiredly, I drag my lazy ass downstairs, not even bothering to stop in the bathroom.

Upon entering the kitchen, I am greeted by the commotion I heard earlier. Dad is screaming at Caroline, she's screaming back (naturally), and mom is leaning against the counter, watching it all unfold...

"I'm twenty years old, dad! You can't tell me what to do anymore!" Caroline cries, inching close to our father.

"As long as you live under my roof, I can!" He retaliates.

'Well then maybe I'll move out! This goddamned house is suffocating me anyways!"

"Watch your mouth!"

"I. Fucking. Hate. You." Caroline growls, enunciating each word. She runs upstairs, her lauds footsteps followed by the sound of a door slamming.

After a long silence, I finally speak up. "What's her problem?"

My parents look up, like they just noticed that I was standing there.

"Um..." My mother says quietly, "Your sister came home very late last night"

"She was wasted and her god damn nose was pierced!" Dad mutters. I can practically see the steam coming from his ears.

"Well," I ask, pouring myself a bowl of cereal, "did the piercing look decent, at least?"

"Daniel!" Mom hisses. I shrug, shoveling a spoonful of cornflakes into my mouth.

Minutes later, just as I'm about to drop my empty bowl in the sink, I am startled by the sound of my sister coming down the stairs. After hearing my mother gasp, I turn around.

Caroline is hauling three stuffed duffle bags down the stairs, and her laptop bag.

"I am moving in with Michelle, from my journalism class. She has an apartment in East Orange. I'll leave you her phone number, but don't expect me to answer your calls." She says the last part venomously. After her little announcement, Caroline leaves a slip of paper on the dinner table and turns towards the front door. For a moment, most of us are too shy to stop her. Then, my mother rises from her chair.

"Caroline, sweetheart..." She whispers.

"Don't" Caroline spits through her gritted teeth. I'm sure she can see the desperation in my eyes. Despite how much she annoys the hell out of me, I love my big sister. Seeing her like this - upset and broken - hurts me.

"Car'...please. Think about this. I don't wanna see you go." I plead. Her expression softens.

"I'm sorry Danny." She whispers, and then she walks out the door.

My sister is gone.


The house is very quiet after Caroline leaves. It's not until at least one hour after she's gone that I hear my parents talking in their bedroom.

"She's an adult, Laura. She could have moved out years ago, if she wanted to. It's good that she's finally out on her own." My father speaks softly, heavily contrasting the tone he spoke in earlier.

"I know, I know, but..." Mom's voice trails off. "I just wish it wasn't so sudden."

"Me too," Dad replies. He sounds pretty damn disappointed, considering that he was practically begging her to leave.

I eventually grow tired of moping around my room, and decide to take out my viola. It's been much too long since the last time I practiced - the loose strings on my instrument are a testament to that. After spending a moment tuning the viola, I pull out Bridge's "2 Pieces for Viola and Piano". The Pensiero is the audition piece for my school's symphonic orchestra. The piece is beautiful, and fun to play. Not too fast, but not too easy. I love it.

I pack up my instrument after I'm done practicing. As I'm loosening my bow, my mother walks in without knocking (!).

"I haven't heard you play like that in a long time." She tells me. My eyes widen infinitesimally.

"You were listening?!" I shriek. She knows how squeamish I am about people listening to me while I practice. Practicing feels so intimate - just you and the instrument, no audience, no conductor. I feel a blush creep into my cheeks.

"No, I overheard," She corrects me, "Totally different. Not intentional."

"You still didn't make an effort to ignore me..." I grumble, putting my viola (in its case) under my bed. I hear my mom's soft laughter.

"I just wish I got to hear you play more, that's all," Before walking out of my room, she adds "By the way, Grant called while you were practicing. I told him you'd call him back later."


"I'll call him in a minute," I tell my mom coolly.


I promised a chapter before I went to band camp, and I delivered!

Fun fact: this chapter is exactly 800 words long.

Okay, I'll see you guys in two weeks :)

Thanks for reading! x

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