A Soulless Love

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I'm in the car watching the sky clear in the darkness, when all I see next is blinding light. The car spins and collides with another the metal of the car pierce my skin I black out. I slowly awaken to a heart monitor beeping slowly. I see my sister and mother cut and bruised all over. my sister walks over and collapses on my stomach.I weakly stroke her hair, gradually losing ease of breathing. Tears stream down my mothers face. My sister looks at me with sky blue watery eyes.The nurse comes in and escorts my family out. I lean back on the bed letting sleep take over. The crash replays in my head repetitively. My heart speeds up until I cant breathe and my heart stops.

(8 years later)
I lay at home in my bed hooked up to my breathing tube, As always I have to wear this thing because in the car crash one of my lunges collapsed. My mom calls for me, I carefully maneuver my way down the stairs and quietly eat my dinner, not a word is spoken. Ever since the car crash I have not spoken a word. If I have to speak I will write it on my whiteboard. I go back up stairs and collapse on my bed, gradually regaining my breath. I plug in my IPod and listen to Universe by Ghost Town. I close my eyes and before I know it I'm fast asleep. I wake up in a pool of sweat, the memory of the crash haunting me. I regain my breath and slow my heart rate. I go downstairs to get a glass of water and take my sleep Medicine to help me stop having these terrifying nightmares. I go back to my room and lay down and let the medicine do it's job.

(Next Morning)
I wake up and do the normal routine and drive to school. I head into the school, stopping at the front door to catch my breath. I walk into the building and head to first block, geography.
7 hours later the bell rings I drive home.
When I get home I go up to my room to see a teenage male standing in the corner. I shriek. My sister comes into my room like a lightning bolt "Addilyn, what's wrong!?" I point my finger to the corner where I saw the man, panic stricken. "What? Nothing is there." I blink than realize he isn't there anymore and relax.
I grab the white board and write "sorry, I must be seeing things." I see her shoulders relax and she sighs. "Its ok, I'm just glad you are ok." I nod and she walks out closing my door behind her.
I lay back and fall back into a dreamless sleep.


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