chapter 4

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As Jack pulled up to Brent's house, Brent and I grabbed our stuff and we got out together. Megan glared at me as I hoped out. I just ignored her and said goodbye to everyone. I had no idea what Brent saw in her. When Jack drove away, Brent looked at me and began to speak as we stood in my driveway. "I just wanted to say sorry about Megan's comment at Jenny's. She can be quite a jerk sometimes." "I don't mean to be rude," I started," but she doesn't seem like your type." "Ya, tell me about it. We were really good friends, but ever since we started dating it seems like she's changed and only uses me for my popularity on Vine. I'm not sure she really cares about me anymore." I felt really bad for Brent. "Why don't you break up with her then," I asked. "Why, jealous?" Brent said. "No, it's just why date someone who makes you miserable. I saw your face at the diner. You were totally annoyed by her blabbing on about random stuff and how much of a cute couple you were and how she wanted to be in all of your vines from now on."

Brent smirked. "I still think your jealous," he said. "I'm not," I lied. "I just want to save you from the wrong girl." Brent leaned in close and whispered in my ear. "Then where do I find the right girl?" I didn't know how to respond. I really wanted to scream she's standing right here but I just backed away and dragged him to my door. "Hey, why don't you come have the tour of my house?" I asked changing the subject. He looked disappointed. "Hello?" I asked when we walked in. I walked into the kitchen where I found a note on the table. "Had to leave for emergency at work and won't be home till late. I left money under the cookie jar if you want to order anything. Love you," I read out loud from the note.

"Looks like it's just us then," Brent said looking around seeing no one in sight. I quickly showed him all the rooms. I was surprised for my mom had almost everything unpacked and was almost finished painting a room. I brought Brent up the staircase to my room and ended the tour with that. "Wow, you have a lot to unpack still," he said as he looked around. "I know, I'm planning on finishing most of it tomorrow," I replied. "Or I can help you now," Brent suggested and looked at me. "This will take hours and I don't want you getting in trouble with your parents for not being home," I said. "Don't worry, plus they'll just think I went to Jake's or Cam's house." "Ok, but you don't have to stay if you don't want to. I'm going to get changed," I said. I was kind of excited Brent was going to help me unpack. I changed out of my bikini and wet clothes and put on a red crop top with LOVE plastered across it and my high waisted denim shorts. I brushed my hair out and put it back into a ponytail. When I walked out Brent smiled. He was looking at a picture frame of my mom, dad, and I. "So is your dad at work too," he asked. "Um, no he uh, he was killed in a car accident about a year ago," I said starting to tear up a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't know," Brent said. He looked at me and wiped a tear off my face. Our eyes connected and he leaned in a little when my phone ringed. I quickly grabbed it and answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey honey, it's me did you get the note?" "Yes Mom, a friend and I are unpacking my stuff so goodbye," I said. "Ok just making sure. I have to go now anyway. Love you". "Love you too," I said and hit the end call button. Brent looked at me and I blushed a little. He quickly looked away and started talking. "Shall we get started?" he asked. "Yes," I said as I pulled out my phone and turned some music on. I put on Glad You Came by The Wanted which was my all-time favorite song. "I love this song," Brent said and he started to dance. I laughed and he grabbed my hands and started to swing me around and dance with me. I kept giggling and he continued till the end of the song.

When it was nine we had accomplished putting all of my clothes away, putting all my books in my book case, setting up my art studio desk for I love to draw, and many other things. Brent even helped me set up all my makeup on my vanity. I ordered a pizza and we took a break to eat. We even made a few vines in the process. Brent's phone dinged. "Oh, it's my mom. She wants me to come home." We started walking to my front door. When we got there Brent looked at me. "I had fun tonight," he said. "Me too," I replied. We stood there for a minute kind of awkwardly. "Well, uh, bye then. I'll see you tomorrow probably," he said. He started to walk out the door when he turned around and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and he walked out the door. I closed it and felt my cheek. Was Brent Rivera falling for me? He can't be. He hasn't broken up with Megan yet so he still likes her, right? Why would he kiss me then? All these questions flooded into my mind. I decide to just go take a shower and hop in bed.

Once I was clean and had my pjs on, I decided to just ignore the questions and go to bed. I just couldn't help but wonder though if Brent was falling for me like I was falling for him.

I woke up and went downstairs for some breakfast. My mom wasn't home again for she left a note saying she had to go to work early but would be home at five P. M. I put some bread in the toaster when the doorbell rang. I looked out the window by the door and saw Brent standing there. I opened the door to find him smiling at me. He quickly glanced up and down me in my tank and shorts and then started to talk. "Hey," he said. "Hey, what's up," I replied. "Nothing much I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to breakfast with the guys, Megan, and me." "Sure, where are we going?" I asked. "This little breakfast place on the beach not far from here. It's called Seaside Snacks. It's really good." "Ok, just let me get dressed. I will meet you here in fifteen minutes." "Ok see you in a few," Brent said and walked back to his house.

I took the piece of toast out and quickly ate it for I hate to waste. I went to my bathroom, which Brent helped set up last night, and washed my face and brushed my hair leaving it down. I then put on some mascara and lip gloss and went to my closet to find some clothes. I still couldn't believe how big it was. I had so much room left in it. I went with my blue crop top that said I'M NOT A MORNING PERSON!!! and with a pair of regular denim shorts from Plato's Closet. I slipped on my black vans and put on my RVCA SnapBack which I ordered from a site online. I put on some Wonderstruck perfume and grabbed my phone and some cash and headed out the door with two minutes to spare. I walked out of my house and locked the door. I shot Brent a text.

Sydney: I'm ready

Brent: Ok be right out

I then saw Brent walk out of his house and over to me. He was wearing the same SnapBack. "I like your hat," I said. He smiled. "I like yours too. Jake is coming and will be here any moment," he replied. As soon as he said that Jake pulled up. When we got in the car Megan patted the seat next to her for Brent to sit in and and glared at me when I got in the car. I rolled my eyes and sat next to Cameron. He was really nice and sweet. We made a vine together while Megan blabbed on to Brent about some dress she bought last night when she went shopping with some girl named Bella. When Megan saw Cam and I making a vine she grabbed Brent's phone and about yelled, "Hey Honey, let's make a vine." "Uh ok," he said as he unlocked his phone and clicked the vine app. It was hard not to laugh at how stupid Megan acted in it.
Jack pulled up into the parking lot at we got out. The spot had a parking meter so we all paid a quarter. We walked in and were seated in a booth by a window that had a view of the ocean. It was beautiful. The restaurant had a bunch of decorations to make it look like a ship. I must say it was pretty cool. A waitress who looked about twenty walked up to us. "Hi," she started,"what would ya'll like to drink?" "I will have an orange juice," Cam said and we all nodded at her for the same. When she left Megan started talking to me. "So Syd, do you have a boyfriend back in Florida?" she asked. "No," I said. "That's too bad. Have you every had a boyfriend?" she continued. I started to feel uncomfortable. "No," I said again. I think Brent sensed my afflictive attitude because he suddenly changed the subject. "Oh, look our drinks are here," he said loud enough to capture the attention of everybody at the table. The waitress came and gave us each our orange juice and we ordered our food. Megan went back to talking to Brent and Cam, Jack, and I played a game on my phone.
After about ten minutes our food came and we quickly ate it all. We all combined our money to pay the check and were out of the restaurant.

As we pulled out of the parking lot, Jack started talking. "So what should we do today?" he asked. "Oh," Megan started, "I uh, am going shopping with a friend today so can you drop me off at home now." "Uh, ok," Jack said suspicious. The way Megan said it made her sound like she was hiding something. We got to her house and she jumped out and waved by to Brent. We drove off and Brent suggested that we go see a movie. We all had enough money left for a ticket and agreed. Brent then scooted to the seat on the other side of me and began to talk. "So you've never had a boyfriend," he asked laughing a little. "Shut up, " I said laughing a little too. We continued to talk the whole car ride. I had only been here a few days, but I was already falling hard for Brent.

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