Rhytmitic Academy get to know it...

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Rhytmitic Academy

This is a one of a kind school one of the famous and also the finest. It holds the title as the Philippines number one and finest music school. It was well known and acknowledges by the different music schools in different parts of the globe. What kind of school is rhytmitic academy? Well I don’t want to build up this school so much that’s why I will picture in it your mind the simplest way I’m serious

Rhytmitic Academy is located in an island somewhere in Visaya. How big it is? Well it’s a complete package school what do you expect it a school in an island!

The students don’t need to bother about their stuffs and personal need because there were supermarkets build for the students different demands.  Is that all? Let me see… oh yah if you’re good at sport aside from music or called it as one of your habit then I guess a big sports complex won’t be bad right? Besides it offers different courts like basketball, volleyball, tennis, track and field, soccer. They also have the park where you can stroll by bicycle if you own one or you can rent one too.

But wait did the students need to travel by boat just to attend the class. Hmm the hell! Corse no that’s why there a very big dorm for the student builds with an indoor swimming pool beside from the stunning view that the island beholds.

The dorm has a shape of square and it’s a one big building. The female and male students shared this room but it doesn’t mean that they also shared one room or very lucky to have their own room.  In each floor the opposite’s side were occupied by opposite’s gender. The female room front was the males. There were 26 floors in total 17 of them was for the student rooms each room must occupy four students.  The room was like a mini houses, each room have its own bathroom kitchen and veranda.

I think I over picture it been carried away lots of sorry hehe

By the way what is Rhtymitic Academy anyway? Well it’s a music school it offers a two year course in performing arts. Singing dancing and acting if you love doing these things then you would surely love the school. Is it easy to be a student here?

Hmm I hate to break it up but if Philippines have millions of human aside from other humans in different planet I mean countries then rhytmitic can only welcome…

Tan… tanan…tan...tan…

Hehe I’m making you wait a little longer sorry for that


Kind of small? Well being a student here means you’re lucky most people say actually all of them even the author hehe

Anyway how to be part of that five hundred then there’s a two way ticket inside this academy

First you’re really great and talented they were always an audition held for the freshmen’s every year. If you’re lucky and impressible enough for the horrifying tunnel of judges then CONGRATS DUDE!

But wait I did forgot one important thing who owns this school?

It’s Mr. Sebastian Luke Balthazar an artist known for its rhythm

Is he one of the judges?

No… not this year

Because Mr. Balthazar personally search what he call six gold card holder

Who is this six gold card holder?

Well aside from automatic entrance to the academy Mr. Balthazar also named these holders as



I had enough of this introduction

 Thank you!!!


Welcome to Rhytmitic Academy!

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