The Dawn

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As a phoenix rises,

spreads its wings

and brings light,

beauty and peace.

As if myriads on

myriads of angels,

have risen purely

in praise.

The dawn,




and embraces us,

and all our 

feeble fears.

Denies us our imperfections,

grants us latitude,

lightens our way,

and guides us.

Never asking,

Nor wanting,

but always giving.

Enabling our lives.

In return,

we curse it,

wishing for

half an hour more

Yet despite our

protestations, our

bleary, sleep ridden eyes,

it continues 

To gift us

a spot in time,

affording us peace,

before the dreariness,

And burdens

of this materialistic

world, this grey

unreal neverland.

Full of false hopes,

broken promises.

The glitter,

the glamour,

coaxes us , 

entraps us,

ensnares us,

and squeezes

slowly our life.

And yet, the dawn,

the everlasting dawn,

shines forth light,

beauty and peace,

and above all, love.

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