Chapter Five: Rain

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(F/n) stood at the school doors, staring out the window at the rain hitting the ground. She liked rain, but wasn't a big fan of having to walk in it for fifteen minutes.

She heaved a sigh, and pulled out her phone. She would've loved it for it to be practice, but the team had Monday off. She checked to see how long the rain would last, and she groaned when she saw that it was estimated to last five more hours.

Sometimes she hated planet earth.

She pulled up the hood of the Karasuno jacket she was currently borrowing from Daichi-san. They lived close together, and he'd seen her walking and told her that rain was to be expected. Of course, her stubborn self didn't believe him, but he forced her to take his jacket. She made a mental note to thank the captain later.

She pushed open the school doors after pocketing her phone, pulling at the hood to shield her face from the water. She was already freezing and she was literally two steps from the door.

"Kill me now." She whispered to herself, hunching her shoulders and shoving her hands in the pockets of the black jacket.

She was almost out of the school grounds when she felt her bag being slid off her shoulder and a white and turquoise jacket sliding over her shoulders.

"Hajime, I swear if that's–"

"(F/n)-chan." Oikawa fell into step beside the ace, holding out an umbrella to give the two better cover from the rain. She looked way better in the team colours than in black, he thought. "You're going to catch a cold. Don't you have practice tomorrow?"

The girl looked up at the giraffe of a boy, her eyes widening but quickly regretting it as a few stray rain droplets got in them. "O-Oikawa-san? What the hell?" She muttered whilst rubbing her eyes.

"You're also limping. It'll take you, like, triple the time to get home." The setter pointed out. (F/n) was tempted to punch him.

"Give me my bag back, Oikawa." She huffed, reaching out.

Of course, the big ass tree held it out of her reach. (Seriously he's like 6'0" wtf) "Hmm~ no. I'm walking you home."

"Stop being an ass!"

"I'm being a nice, that's what I'm being. So rude, (F/n)-chan!"

"Didn't I tell you to call me by my last name?"

"I will if you let me take you home."

"I hate you."

The two bickered, (F/n) throwing insults at him and him insisting that the insults did nothing to him. Finally, the girl gave up, tugging the volleyball players jacket around her shoulders.

"You're impossible." The ace muttered after awhile, listening to the ran it the ground.

Oikawa chuckled, handing back her bag. "It's what I'm known for."

She rolled her eyes, muttering a few curses under her breath. (F/n) couldn't honestly believe she was walking(cough cough limping) beside this guy, in the rain, under his umbrella while he held her bag hostage in this point in time.

It was utterly humiliating.

"Y'know?" Oikawa said after awhile of silence. "Most of my fans would die to be walking with me right now."

"Why bring this up? I'm not your fan." (F/n) said irritably. At this moment, Oikawa saw a small resemblance between her and Iwaizumi.

It completely and utterly destroyed him.

How can an amazingly light hearted person on the court become so pissed off in under five minutes? He wasn't sure. This made him pout.

"So mean, (F/n)-chan!" He huffed, turning his nose in the air. She rolled her eyes again, kicking a rock on the sidewalk.

They finally made it to the girls house.

"This is my house." She announced, quickly snatching her bag from him and slinging off his jacket, handing it out to him.

He took back his jacket and gave her a charming, fake as hell smile. "See you tomorrow, then!" The setter said ceerfully, walking off in the rain.

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