Chapter Fifteen: Study Date

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"(F/N)-CCHHHAAANNN~!" Oikawa's voice echoed through the early morning halls, which were not as full as they were going to be but not entirely empty either. This earned several stares (and glares) from other students.

(F/n) whirled around, her eyes widened because she saw what was coming. "Oikawa-san, please no–"

She didn't have time to finish because she was knocked to the floor in a bone crushing hug.

"Ya know," He said, pushing himself off of her and running a hand through his hair. "You should really drop the 'san'. We're close enough now. No need for formalities." He shot her a wink with his signature peace sign.

She rolled her eyes, struggling to her feet and dusting off her jacket, not bothering to help Oikawa up. "Whatever. Just restrain yourself. Jeez."

"Sorry, sorry." He stood up with a small chuckle. "You're just so huggable, you know?"

"I wish I didn't." The girl responded flatly. "What do you want?"

"Ah? Oh, well I was wondering if you'd be able to help me study for a bit after school, as practice has been cancelled for both of us." He tapped his chin.

"I was..." (F/n) realized that she didn't have an out this time. She let out a small sigh. "Alright."

Oikawa beamed. "Thank you, (F/n)! I'll meet you in the library, then!"

The female ace nodded, somewhat reluctantly, but luckily, the bell saved her from further socialization. She sped off to her locker, then to class.


The day went by in an anxious, depression inducing haze of 'good luck tomorrow's and 'do your best's. The preliminaries were tomorrow, and to be honest, everyone was tense.

She sucked in a deep breath, shutting her locker door, which let out a metallic squeak. She wondered if the lockers were ever oiled, but didn't dwell as she was already late for her 'study date' with Oikawa, or that's what Iha had called it.

She slipped into the library, which had a few kids studying here and there. She noticed Makki and Matsun in one corner, and Iwaizumi doing some homework at another table.

"(F/n)!" Oikawa whisper called to her, and she jerked her head to see the setter waving to her, several textbooks out in front of him. Iwaizumi gave him a side eyed glare.

She quickly crossed the library, sitting across from him and unpacking her things.

"(F/n)." Oikawa repeated her name cheerfully.

"Fellow associate." The ace muttered, pulling out her own textbooks and papers, setting them out neatly in front of her. Oikawa chuckled.

There was a few minutes of reading until Oikawa let out a short, quiet huff, tapping his pencil on a math worksheet, more specifically, a problem on the worksheet. (F/n) looked up to see that he was clearly having trouble, as there were several eraser shavings and faded pencil marks.

"I suppose that you're going to request assistance?" (F/n) asked, and Oikawa muttered something under his breath.

She snatched his worksheet from under him, and looked over the problem. She managed to decipher his erased pencil marks, and snickered. "We went over this in class."

"Just help me." He groaned, folding his arms on the table and burying his head in them.

"I can't if you keep that negative attitude up." The ace said sassily, earning another glare in their direction from Hajime.

Oikawa sighed, lifting his head and propping his chin up in his hand. "Fine."

"Alright, you forgot to carry the three. And you didn't do the brackets correctly." She shook her head, re-writing the equation down and showing him what to do. "You do the brackets first, then multiply or divide, then you subtract dash add. See?"

"That's it...?"

"Yes." The female captain nodded. It was really difficult to believe that this was actual reality right now. Oikawa was Seijoh's perfect little heartthrob. It was hard to imagine him struggling to do anything. But here he was, unsure of how to solve a simple equation.

(And capture his crushes heart.)

Every now and then, the ace would have to help the setter with another problem or question, and then judge him because that stuff was easy as hell.

It was an hour until Iwaizumi left, and then another for Matsun and Makki to flounce over to the table.

"Hey, hey guys." Makki grinned at the two.
(F/n) sweatdropped.

Matsun also grinned. "Guess what?"

"Oh no." The ace murmured.

"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Makki said, just above a whisper. (F/n) slammed her face into her desk with a groan.

Oikawa decided that he'd had enough of studying, and began to pack up his things.
(F/n) followed suit, having enough of Makki's and Matsun's snickering.

The two escaped the library, and Oikawa annoyed her until she allowed him to walk her home.

Oikawa was happy so see that her mind was taken off of tomorrow's games.

Almost, anyways.

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