Chapter Eight: Pack of Wolves

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"Okay, once more, Yama-chan. You need more 'umph', ya know?" (F/n) said, twirling a volleyball in her hands. She was currently helping Yamaguchi with his jump float serve.

"More what?"

"Umph!" She insisted. "Hit it with a push! Don't be afraid to mess up! There's always gonna be a chance to redeem yourself!"

He stared at her for a long, confused moment, before grinning and nodding. She watched him closely as he tossed the ball up. He did it near to perfect.

"Yes! Yama-chan!" She called. "Perfect! Remember to place your feet more like this, and be more bouncy." She bobbed up and down, earning some confused looks from some of the team members.

Yamaguchi nodded, looking completely ecstatic. She gave him a thumbs up, then went off to go toss for Tanaka.


When the girls team back at Aoba Johsai began cleaning up the gym after their practice, Oikawa chose his first victim for interrogation.

"Miki-chan~!" He called out flamboyantly to Kazehaya, who turned to look at him after putting a volleyball in the basket.

"What happened to my last name...?" She muttered in annoyance.

Oikawa completely ignored her comment. "Miki-chan! Where did (F/n)-chan run off to with Mr. Refreshing?"

"What happened to her last name?" Kazehaya asked, shaking her head. "And... Mr. Refreshing? You mean Suga-san?"

"Uh, sure." Oikawa blinked. "Where'd they go? On a date~?" He needed to know the female captains weak point. He wanted to know why she didn't seem to like him like all the other girls.

"With all due respect, Oikawa-san, but what the hell." Tengan's voice came from behind him, and his face went up a million degrees.

Arata wrapped her arm around Kazehaya and began steering her away from the setter. "Stop bullying our first year."

"I-I was not!" Oikawa said defensively, bristling. "I was just curious–"

"Curious enough to go after a first year and not her own classmates? Or her vice captain?" Iha sidled up next to Tengan. Oikawa knew nothing was good news when those two girls were together. Double the trouble. And the criticism. "Because all the first years admire you very much, Oikawa-san. Bad choice to pick on Kazehaya, though."

"H-huh!? What are you talking about!?"

"She's our little monster." Hana said whilst walking towards them, then poked Oikawa in the chest. "Think of her like that Kentaro kid on your team. Except with a little more emotion and consideration."

A shadow fell over Oikawa. Not only was
(F/n)'s team ganging up on him, but they were also picking on another member on his own team. He was about to speak up and defend himself, but he realized he couldn't.

There weren't any visible holes in her team.

"That's when the realization hits." Tengan muttered, and the two other girls snickered, hurrying off to help clean before Oikawa could think of anything to say.

The girls were clever, he thought. Even worse than him. He would normally attack a teams mental stability. He was smart, that's how he charmed his fans. But here the girls were, acting like a pack and picking at him, jabbing him cleverly, then going back to their normal chattery selves.

Wolves, he thought. They were like wolves in a way. Perfectly strong and menacing on their own, but when together, there was no stopping them.

Oikawa hadn't suffered a loss of words for a very, very long time. Especially from a bunch of girls.


"Something's up." (F/n) muttered as she stole Asahi's water bottle for a drink, which got a small complaint from him.

"What? What's up?" Hinata asked, blinking at her and nearly getting hit in the face from a ball Kageyama was tossing to him.

The girl shook her head with a shrug. "My Captain senses are tingling. My team is picking on someone."

"Captain...senses?" The first years seemed to echo in unison. (F/n) nodded.

"It's a thing captains get." She explained, glancing at Daichi, who nodded in agreement. "It's when you sense your team doing something you would normally advise them against doing. It's sort of like a 'mother's instinct', too. I'm sure Suga gets that."

The grey haired third year stiffened, and jabbed her in the stomach, which made her double over. "HEY!"

Asahi took this chance to snatch his water bottle back.

"That's so awesome!" Hinata's eyes sparkled.

"Yes, I know." Both (F/n) and Daichi said in unison, then they both narrowed their eyes at each other.

"The only problem is, is that when the captain isn't with the team, they don't know what happened." (F/n) sighed. "For all I know, they could've smashed a window."

"They'd tell you about that, though, wouldn't they?" Yamaguchi asked, frowning.

"No." She sighed. "They wouldn't. And that's when I get in trouble. And Hajime, Makki and Matsun would never let me hear the end of that. I doubt now that Oikawa-san is getting clingy that he wouldn't let it go either."

"Clingy?" Noya asked, tilting his head. The ace nodded.



"Uh..." Hirose approached the third year girls after they all left the changing rooms. "How... how long is Oikawa-senpai gonna stand there...?"

"What did you guys do?" Arata asked, looking at Hana, Tengan and Iha. The three just shrugged.

"We gave him something to think about." Hana smirked.

Kazehaya sighed as she was walking past with Yada. "(L/n)'s gonna kill us."

"You said it." Yada agreed.

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