Chapter 13

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Yoongi POV.

Jimin and I both explained our side of the story starting with Jimin getting beat up in the bathroom to him carrying me almost a mile to the hospital. I told everything that happened with my parents and then he asked us some questions everything was going smooth then the doctor decided to ask our relation to each other and out of the corner of my eye I could see Jimin stiffen up. I quickly glanced at him and saw he had a very worried expression, I turnned back to the doctor " He's my boyfriend. " I answered with as much confidence I could muster up. The doctor just smiled and nodded his head " Well it's good to see you taking care of each other, I'm going to go take this information to the police and I'm pretty sure that the boys who beat Mr. Park up are going to get in some trouble and Mr. Min I'm sorry but I'm almost positive that your parents are going to be put in Jail for child abuse and also some other issues. " I don't think I've ever felt so relieved my parents were finally going away. The doctor left and Jimin and I sat in silence for awhile then a couple of police officers came in. They sat and asked us questions and then " Mr. Min your parents have been on our list for awhile and are going to be in jail for more than just child abuse so it'll be awhile till you see them again. Would you like to visit them when you get out.." "NO!" I yelled out instantly " I mean no thank you I don't really want to see them. " I quickly tried to save myself " Ok well We've talked to your aunt and she's gonna be taking care of you at your apartment. " I internally groand ' not that crazy lady ' I thought to myself. Eventually all of the interviews and questions had stopped leaving me to exaustion from having to use our brains for so long. Our friends had left hours ago, they weren't allowed in the room because a bunch of police officers and detectives had come to question me about my parents supposedly had some drug deals and a bunch of crazy stuff. " My parents are rediculous human beings " I said to myself as I looked down to see Jimin sleeping in the chair next to the bed with his head laid down on the matress. He had fallen asleep an hour or two ago since the police wouldn't let him leave the room also asking him questions that he didn't even know how to answer since he had never really met my parents.

I rubbed his fringe out of his eyes and accidentally woke him up. " Are they gone? " He asked in a sleepy voice as he cutely rubbed his eyes with his hands balled into fists like a toddler. I just smiled at the sight that made my heart speed up and my stomache twisting with butterflies " Yeah they just left a few minutes ago " I answered as I brought my hand up to his face and rubbed his cheek with my thumb. " That's good they were getting annoying " He said with a discusted expression I just laughed quietly at how he was acting. I then leaned for ward and grabbed onto his arm with my good arm and pulled on it he got the idea and stood up and sat on the bed beside me I just laughed and pulled on his shoulder dragging him down into my we just layed there like that I pulled the blanket over him. He looked up at me confused I kissed the top of his forehead " Stay with me " I whispered he smiled at me " Ok. " Then we both fell asleep after quietly talking about random things.

The Next Day:

I had gotten discharged after my aunt came to pick me up, I introduced her to Jimin and she surprisingly acted normal and was nice. After dropping Jimin off at home with me promising to text him when I got home we headed to her house. Once we got to her house she went straight to the kitchen and started making dinner I just sat at the kitchen table watching her. Neither of us said a word, as she put all the food onto the table, she then sat down nudged her head towards the food as a sign for me to eat. I started grabbing food out of the dishes, it was amazing I hadn't had a home cooked meal like this in years. We had finished eating she grabbed the plates and washed them I still sat quietly at the table. She then came back to the table and sat in her seat " So Yoongi how do you want this to work? Do want to stay in your apartment? Or do you want to move into my house? " I looked from my hands that I had been messing with " I want to stay in my apartment. " I answered quickly she just nodded her head " Ok well then you can do that and I'll help you pay rent and also I'll bring food over so you don't have eat ramen all the time. " I just nodded gratefully " Thank you auntie " she smiled brightly at me " No problem squirt " my face twisted into distaste " Why do you always call me that? Gosh talk about ruining the moment for a second there I thought you were normal for a change. " She just laughed loudly " Me? Normal?! Pfft that will only happed when a pig flies and hell freezes over all at the same time!! " We both laughed and talked some more before she decided it was time to bring me home.

I unlocked my door and walked into the living room that was actually clean. I'm guessing my aunt came and cleaned my house since the kitchen was spotless and also everything in my parents room was gone except for the furniture even the comforter was relplaced. I smiled and then remebered to text Jimin.

To: Jimin

Hey I just got home.

I pressed send and not even a second later my phone beeped.

From: Jimin

That's great!! Hey can I come over?

To: Jimin

Of course I'll leave the door unlocked

I sent the message and put my phone in my pocket and walked towards my room I layed on my newly made bed and started listening to music to pass the time. After about 30 min I heard my front door open and close indicating that Jimin was here I shut off my music and walked out into my living room the see Jimin standing at the door soaking wet and what looked to be tear stains on his chubby cheeks "What happened!! " I yelled as I ran to him cupping his cheeks inspecting his face for damage. He then started to cry again and I pulled him into a tight hug not caring if I got wet. " My parents dissowned me. " He whispered so quiet I could barely hear him " Why? " I asked as I rubbed his back comfortingly " I told them about you and me, my mom told me that I was just confused and my dad started yelling at me, telling me to leave and that I was no longer his son. It started to rain and then you texted me and I'm sorry but I didn't know where else to go and I didn't want to bother Jin and Tae because I know that they're probably with their boyfriends and-" I shut him up with a kiss, I pulled away after a few seconds " It's fine Jimin plus you're my boyfriend I have to take care of you especially since this is mostly my fault." " No it's not " He argued back " Yes, it is now come on let get you into some dry clothes before you get sick." He just nodded and sniffled his nose, I grabbed his had and dragged him into my room I gave him a pair of sweats and a t-shirt then left the kitchen to go heat up some the food my aunt had given me from our dinner at her house.

I had just started the stove when Jimin came out with his hair still soaking wet wearing the clothes I had given him. I just sighed and grabbed a towl out of one of the cabinets in the hallway and started drying his hair with it. After I had dried it as much as I could I went back to the stove and started cooking the food. Both of us were quiet I put the food on a plate and sat it in from of him then taking my place across from him. He started eating " Do you want to come live with me? I mean I know that we haven't been together for very long and we used to hate eachother, but I would like you too stay with me. I understand if you would rather stay with Taehyung or Jin, but, still... " I stated awkwardly he just looked up from his food with a small smile " I can stay with you if you want me to. " I just nodded my head and we both smiled at each other. He finished his food I put the dishes in the sink and we both went into the livingroom and cuddled on the couch while watching a movie. Halfway through the movie Jimin had fallen asleep with his head in my lap I smiled down at him and decided it was probably time to go to sleep. I shut the T.V. off and carried Jimin to my room and layed him on my bed without waking him up. I put the comforter over him and then ran across the room to shut the light off. I carfully crawled in bed next to him and pulled him close to me I comfortably layed their with him in my arms his face nuzzled into my chest, I fell asleep after kissing his forhead and whispering goodnight

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