Chapter 14

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Yoongi POV

I woke up to the sound of what I'm guessing is Jimin groaning in annoyance, I rubbed my eyes as I rolled over to face Jimin. What I saw was very cute but also extremely amusing, Jimin was laying on his stomach holding himself up by his elbows angrily typing at the keyboard on his phone. " What are you doing? " I asked my voice sounding deep and gravily from sleep he quickly stopped texting whoever it was and looked at me with a very exasperated expression " Namjoon hyung said I had to Jams!!!! " I looked at him confused "What?? " He then scooted closer to me until his face was very close to mine and looking into my eyes with the most serious face I had ever seen he again said " Namjoon said I got no jams... " ' What the heck is he talking about?? I really need to keep Namjoon away from my boyfriend after this, that creepy weirdo... ' I thought to myself " Ok.. " I answered Jimin hoping he would explain what he means but instead he got up and started putting his shoes on and stealing one of my hoodies out of the closet. I'm still laying in bed curiously watching him " Where are you going?? " I asked, he turned back to me after putting on my hoodie " I'm going to the store, wanna come? " I nodded never know if he might run into those guys from school or worse... His parents. I quickly got up and put another one of my sweatshirts on and a pair of shoes. We then walked towards the front door and.... "Ahhh!!!" I screamed as Jimin who was standingn behind me jumped about a mile back and hid behind the couch. " What are you screaming at you idiot!!! " I opened my eyes to see my aunt standing there holding bags of groceries and a large duffle bag. " Sorry Auntie. " I then looked behind me to see Jimin peeking from behind the couch I just smiled at him and nodded signaling that everything was fine. He then got out from his hiding spot and walked back to his spot behind me, my aunt stared at us in what appeard to be shock " I thought I dropped you off last night at ur house? " She asked I just cleared my throught " I wanted some company so I asked him to stay over. " I answered back I haven't really broke the news to my aunt about me being gay or me dating Jimin, but we've only been dating for a few days so maby tonight I can tell her without getting in too much trouble from both Jimin and my aunt.

After helping my aunt bring the groceries and that duffle back thing which I found out had cooking utensils in it, Jimin and I left my aunt to cook at my apartment as we headed to the closest grocery store. Once we walked through the automatic doors Jimin was flying towards one of the aisle's I quickly followed behind as I laughed internally at his weirdness. Once I got there I saw that he somehow found a cart and was standing in from of the Jam section, I just watched him confusedly then I remembered this morning ' " Namjoon hyung said I have no Jams " ' I slowly walked towards Jimin who almost looked possessed staring at the jars of smashed up fruits. " Watchya doin? " I asked making him jump as I back hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder he calmed down and even leaned his head gently onto mine " I'm gonna buy Jam and throw it on Namjoon. " I outwardly chuckled " Can I help? " He then turned his head to where he could see my face, he seemed to be studying my expression or something but he eventually nodded with a beautiful smile. We then began to fill our cart with many different varieties of jams, laughing as we made up a plan on how to perfectly prank my best friend.

Once we got back to my apartment with about 4 bag fulls of jam we headed to the kitchen where my aunt was still cooking and started to put out plan into action. I grabbed some sandwhich bags setting them on the table Jimin and I then began to fill them with jam. We were both laughing and joking around excitedly I caught my aunt looking at us as if we were maniacs. After every single sandwhich bag I could find in my house was filled with Jam we put them in giant trash bag and after calling Jin and seeing if Namjoon was there ( He was!! ) we then told him our plan making sure that he was alone. He just laughed at us and said he would help, so the plan would be that Jin would have Namjoon go get his mail and we wait behind the bush in his front yard and then throw all of Jimin's Jams? At him. We quickly made it to Jins and started taking out all of the plastic baggies. Jimin then texted Jin telling him we were ready, and after waiting for a few minutes we saw Namjoon walking down the front steps towards the mail box, and before he could even open the little door Jimin and I started throwing the bags of Jam at him and they easily exploded all over him. " What the heck!!?? " He yelled with his hands covering his face we stopped once we ran out of bags Jimin jumped up and ran towards Namjoon " See I got plenty of Jams you dumbass!!!! " I laughed loudly as he just stated the fact of the century Namjoon then looked towards me in shock " YOU HELPED HIM!!! " I wiped the tears out of my eyes and walked towards Jimin wrapping my arm around him shoulders " Of course dumbass " Jimin then started dying of laughter and even Jin could be heard from the kitchen window equally dying " YOU TOO!!!! " Namjoon yelled at his boyfriend in shock. Jin probably didn't hear him over his own laughing because all we could hear after that was " HAHA THEY CALLED YOU A DUMBASS!!!!! " And then we heard a crash from what I am guessing is Jin falling to the floor, I would have been concerned if I didn't hear his still laughing hysterically.

Namjoon then just rubbed the jam that was falling from his hair off of his face. " Well I guess we better head back to my place auntie's making lunch. " I said before quickly grabbing Jimins hand and sprinting towards the direction of my house before Namjoon could kill us, we didn't run for very long since our injuries were still pretty fresh but we both ignored the small amount of pain we were feeling and continued to laugh like idiots. We finally made it to my apartment and walked towards the kitchen to be greated by a feist, we both thanked my aunt and started shoving food into our mouths. Once we were finished my aunt cleared the table and we sat there telling her about our little escapade that had occured that day she started dying of laughter. When she was done with the dishes she gave the two of us mugs of coffe and then sat down in the extra chair with her own mug. I then realized this would be the perfect time to tell her that Jimin isn't just my friend but my boyfriend. But how?? I mean I could just blurt it out... Yeah that'll probably be easier then trying to sugar coat it or something like that. " Hey Auntie " Her and Jimin both looked up from there coffee mugs " Yeah? " she asked curiously " Um... well... " I looked at Jimin who was also giving me a curious look I then looked back at my aunt " Uhhh.... Jimin.... Jimin isn't my friend...." "What?? Why would you just hang out with someone and not call them ur friend?? " She asked " Well... " I looked at my lap " Uhh... cuzzz.... he's my boyfriend....??? " I then looked up to see both a shocked Jimin and a very shocked aunt. I stared at my aunt nervously but her shocked face turned into a very happy one. " OMG!!!! " She got up and practically tour Jimin out of his chair hugging him tightly, he looked like he was about to pass out from lack of oxygen I quickly got up and tour him out of my crazy aunts grasp " Don't kill him!!! You crazy witch!!! " She just laughed at me as I brought Jimin into a hug too but not squishing him to death " Well I'm just happy that my Squirt is capable of finding someone as hot as him " Jimin started laughing as I stared at her with and exasperated expression " Don't call me Squirt!! And what the hell is that suppose to mean?? I am totally capable of finding someone as hot as him!!! " my aunt just rolled her eyes " Pshhh, Watever I bet you had to practically beg on your knees to even be able to talk to him. " " Watever!!! And no neither of us had to beg anyone!! It just happend. " She just laughed and headed towards the living room sitting on the couch and turning the channel to Hello Counselor Jimin was still laughing at my little fight with my aunt I just glared at him and followed my aunt by going to the living room and sitting in my recliner. Jimin also followed and joined me on my recliner by sitting in my lap and leaning his head on my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around his waiste and he snuggled closer to me. The three of us then enjoyed the day watching stupid shows and laughing our asses off.

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