Chapter 18

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Yoongi POV.

'Thump' I groan as I was rudely woken up from being pushed off the bed by a wildly sleeping Jimin. I slowly get off the ground grab my pillow and start hitting my sleeping boyfriend with it. "BABE WAKE UP!!!" I yell untill he starts groaning and throwing many curse words at me for waking him up in such a way. " What is your problem!!" He yells at me as he sits up to glare at me and also starts hitting me with his pillow this eventually turned into a pillow fight.

After about 10 minutes and what seemed like neither of us would win we both plopped onto the bed out of breath both laughing. " Well if you wouldn't have knocked me off of the bed I might have woken you in a nicer way. " I say as I turn my head towards him and just stared at him. He turned to me and smiled then I leaned in a gave him a peck on the lips " Good morning" I whisper he just whispered it back to me. We laid there for another half an hour just staring at each other making small talk.

We got up and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast when someone started banging on the front door. We look at eachother in confusion. I head over to the door with Jimin following behind. I open the door only to be greated by a cheering Hoseok with a crazy Taehyung on his back and then Jin and Namjoon holding onto a blushing Jungkook as they dragged him into the livingroom. Luckily Taeseok decided to chill out and were just sitting on the couch. " Okay what the hell is going on here?" I ask frustrated that my peaceful morning was ruined, Jimin just laughed at my frustration and took my hand leading me to the recliner where I sat down and Jimin jumped into my lap. After everyone was seated Jin spoke up " Our little Kookie here has a girlfriend." "WHAT?!?!?" Both Jimin and I yell at the same time looking at the embarrassed maknae with wide eyes.

Jimin jumps off of my lap to go tackle Jungkook " Since When!!!! " He screams as they roll around the floor Jungkook trying to get out of my crazy boyfriends grasp. " ITS ONLY BEEN A DAY HYUNG!!! " He screams back Jimin then lets go and just sits there staring at Jungkook who is still trying to get his breath back from practically being strangled. " Who is she?" I ask curiously, he just looks at me and smiles " Her name is Risung." I instantly recognized the name she was a girl in my English class. " Woah!! You're dating her!! Omo she's so adorable Kookie!! Good Job Bro!! " Taehyung yells as he jumps off the couch to pounce on Jungkook hugging him tighly. We all laugh at Taehyungs ridiculousness " Okay Tae I think you're gonna kill him if you don't let him go." a still laughing Hoseok says as he gets up and pulls his boyfriend off of the maknae and makes him sit in his lap on the couch again.

After all that comotion Jimin gets off of the floor and sits in my lap again and Jungkook goes to sit at the loveseat by himself as Jin pulls out a couple movies he brought. After a lengthy arguement on whether we should watch Iron Man or Fantastic 4 we finally decide on Iron Man since the youngest was about to throw a fit over it. Half way through the movie Jin pauses it, we all turn to look at him confused. Jungkook was even glaring at him for pausing one of his favorite movies, Jin looked at all of us " I'm hungry " he simply states and everyone just groans but we also agreed it was a good time for lunch. Jin and Jimin went to the kitchen to make something while the rest of us kept watching the movie. They came back after a few minutes with a huge pot of ramen. We all cheered and jumped out of our seats forgetting the movie and running to sit around my coffee table as they set the pot down and handed everybody chopsticks. We all dug in and didn't say a word as we ate.

We were done eating and decided on another movie. We hadn't even started the movie when all of a sudden Jungkook fell off the couch groaning in pain as he held his head. " What happened to you?" Namjoon asked with practically no emotion so I'm guessing he was just curious and didn't care that the kid was in pain. Jungkook just sat up and glared at Taehyung who looked like he was gonna shit his pants in fear, " I'M SORRY!!! " He yells as he jumps off the couch and ran down the hallway Jungkook growling as he gets up to go attack the alien. I look at Hoseok who has an amused smirk on his face. " What was that all about? " Jin asks him, he just shrugs " Tae hit him in the head with his shoe " we all just stared at him confused " Why did Tae hit him with his shoe? " Jimin asks confused " He was trying to take it off and it flung backwards and hit him in the head " Hoseok answered nonchalantly.

All of a sudden we heard a scream from the guest room " Help Me From This Gangster!!!! " Taehyungs begs as we heard him get tackled " I'm not a gangster you dumb fuck!! " Jungkook yells at the alien. " JEON JUNGKOOK LANGUAGE!! " Jin yells through the house not even bothered that Taehyung is probably getting his ass kicked at the moment. After a few minutes the two finally came back Jungkook dragging Taehyung by his ear and shoving him onto Hoseok and then stomping back to his seat. We all just looked at the two Taehyung looked scared for his life and Jungkook still looked pissed. I just shrugged and played the movie since all of the previews had passed during their fiesco.

We had finished the fourth movie of that night and the three youngest plus Jin were whining about how they were hugry. I just sighed knowing we probably ate all of the Ramen during lunch and My Aunt didn't bring any food over today. I look at Namjoon and we both silently agree on ording pizza, once everyone heard the plan they jumped around the room excitedly especially Jungkook. " This must be my lucky day oh my gosh!! " Jungkook squeels happily as he takes a bite of his pizza " Gosh Kookie does Risung even know what she's getting herself into?? I'm concerned for her sanity " Hoseok jokes as he also takes a bite of pizza. Jungkook just sticks his tounge out at him as he grabs another slice already finshing the other one " So childish. " Jimin says shaking his head at the maknae. I just laugh and ruffle his hair " Look who's talking baby " I say jokingly laughing harder as he gives me a fake offended face. Dinner goes by like that all seven of us joking around with each other.

I look around at all of them and realize how great my life is since I got with Jimin, I have new friends that make everything interesting and of course I have Jimin who is my everything. My parents are no longer around for me to worry about, my aunt is paying for my apartment until I graduate and am able to get a job so that I can make enough money to pay for everything. It's crazy that only a few months ago Jimin and I hated each other, our friend groups were in constant battle with each other since middle school and now.... We're like a family and are always together. I was woken up from my deep thoughts as Jimin held my hand, I looked down at our linked hands and smiled at him kissing his forehead.

We all finished our pizza and decided to just watch Weekly Idol since we had watched all the movies that Jin had brought. We all sat in the livingroom for hours laughing at the show or even stopping the show to talk and mess around. We told stories about our groups before they became one, I thought some of my groups stories were good but Jimin's group definitely won the most interesting stories catagory in our conversation. It was about 3 a.m and all of us were dead tired sprawled around the living room Jimin and I were snuggled into the recliner, Jin and Namjoon laying together on the floor with couch blankets and pillows, Taehyung and Hoseok were cuddling on the couch, and Jungkook was sprawled across the loveseat. The T.V was still going with Running Man playing. I felt Jimin move around until he was facing me and burried his face into my chest closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep I smiled at him as I lean down to kiss him mumbling good night quietly he sleepily answers back and again becomes quiet in sleep. I look around the room and notice everyone else is asleep so I turn the T.V off and lean the recliner back so Jimin and I can lay down, I close my eyes and just before I fall asleep I quietly whisper " I love you guys " and then sleep overtakes me.

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