3. Luke

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Luke's POV

I can smell the locker room before I see it. Just standing fifteen feet away from it could give you a headache from all the cologne fumes.

"Hey, dude!" Cameron snaps his fingers in my face. "Did you zone out or something?" He says laughing.

"Maybe...what did you say again?"

"I asked if you have your eyes on any chicks at school," Cameron exasperatedly repeats his question.

"Nah, not really," I say as I remove my regular shirt and replace it with my blue work out tee.

"You sure?" He questions wiggling his eyebrows. I laugh at his horrible attempt to wiggle his eyebrows. Cam gives me a strangle look so I try to raise my eyebrows back at him. I guess my attempt wasn't very successful because soon we are both doubled over in laughter.

Laughing, we head out of the locker room. When we get to the indoor track, I'm amazed. There's a regular track circling a multipurpose field. The soccer teams are practicing in one area, field hockey in another, lacrosse players in one corner. Stands surround the field; this stadium is huge!

"There you guys are!" Natalie says as she comes jogging up to us. "What took so long? Applying your mascara?" Nat laughs at her own joke. "Come on let's go warm up!" She jogs ahead before anyone can protest.

"Hey, Luke," Cameron says. "Take it easy okay? No need to have you injure yourself then lose the soon-to-be-scheduled race."

"Wait, you're rooting for me?" I ask.

"Of course, bros before hoes," he responds. "Not that Natalie is a hoe," he quickly adds and then runs off to catch up with Nat, leaving me alone.

"Need a running partner?" a girl with short black hair asks. "I'm Fiona, by the way."

"Luke," I say to Fiona. "And sure, but I'm injured so I have to take it slow."

"No problem." Fiona says as she pulls her dark black hair a sloppy bun.

Fiona tries to make small talk with me while we run, and even flirts multiple times, but I am too distracted by Nat and Cam. Natalie has her head tossed back, her long, light blonde hair flowing behind it. She must be laughing at something Cameron said. She playful shoves Cam and he stumbles, but doesn't fall. I wish I had that kind of relationship with Natalie, the one where we can just be best friends, goof around, and I'll always be there to protect her, like an older brother. Someone told me that they are practically brother and sister. Their moms' are best friends and Cam and Nat have grown up together their whole lives, literally, they were born four days apart.

Natalie and I have been neighbors since we were tiny second graders, and were super close. We would also played basketball together, go running, or bake--she loves to bake--she was my best friend but then after the accident I couldn't see her and we grew apart.

"-and I run the 1600, too!" Fiona exclaims, interrupting my thoughts. We finish our lap when Laila catches my eye and waves her lacrosse stick in the air as if to wave hello.

"Laila, watch-" but I don't get to finish my sentence before Sam's soccer ball, that he kicked, hits her in the head. Luckily, she just laughs it off, but Sam's face is as red as the track. Kris and the other soccer girls can't stop laughing at Sam's clumsiness.

The whole track team gathers around for a quick meeting that Natalie and Cameron lead. Then team then divides up into sprint and distance to work out.

"It's good to see you, Luke," a familiar voice from behind says. I whirl around to find Coach Lynn.

"Hi Coach," I respond.

"Luke, I'm glad you're on the team, but I need you to rest up and keep in shape at the same time," Coach explains. "So I was think you could just run some laps today, then join the sprinters for stretches afterwards. Go at your own pace, and take it easy."

"Sounds good, Coach Lynn." I start running, which usually clears my thoughts, but today I can't seem to take my mind off of Cameron and Natalie. Maybe I do have my eye on someone.

a/n: I hope that this chapter is okay, I don't typically write in a guys POV. and btw, if it doesn't say who's POV it is at the top, then it's Natalie's. let me know what you think:)

xo clo

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