13. Natalie

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"Would it kill them to get air conditioning in here?" I complain.

Luke, Kris, Sam, and I have been cleaning he cafeteria for only half and hour now, but it seems like it has been hours. The cafeteria has no windows that open so it is one hundred degrees in here.

Luke wipes the sweat off his forehead before continuing to sweep the floor. Sam and Kris or assigned to wipe the tables and take out the trash, while Luke and I have to sweep the floors then mop them too.

"I didn't know teenagers could be so messy," Sam says.

"There are ketchup stains everywhere!" Kris adds.

"It looks like this place hasn't been cleaned in ages," Luke exaggerates.


Cold, air conditioned air swarms in the humid room. We gasp in the cool air, like fish that need water.

"How could Hubbard think he could take my athletes?" The temperature heats right back up as soon as Coach Lynn walks in, with a very short Coach Charles trailing behind her giantess figure.

"Natalie, Luke, let's go," Coach Lynn commands. I look at Luke, and he shrugs his shoulders and places the broom up against the wall. Coach Charles has already round up Sam and Kris.

Before the six of us could even leave the cafeteria, a purple-faced Mr. Hubbard appears in the doorway.

"All of you," he shouts pointing a chubby, sausage finger at Kris, Sam, Luke, and I. "Back to work. Now!"

The four of us sulk back to our duties and continue, sadly, were we left off.

"Hubbard! You can't just take our star players!" Coach Charles argues.

"They are coming with us," Coach Lynn fiercely fires at Mr. Hubbard.

"We'll maybe your athletes should think about there actions next time," our evil principle replies. "They will stay here until the cafeteria is spotless, and that is that."

Mr. Hubbard swiftly slams the doors, and leaves with a fuming Coach Lynn following him. Coach Charles quickly leaves the crowded room and goes back to his practice.

"I just want to run!" I say as I crawl out from the table I was cleaning under.

"Me too," Kris groans as she wipes down another dirty table.

"OW!" I shout as a bang my head on the table.

"Are you okay?" Sam tries to ask but he bursts out laughing before he can finish.

"Hey it's not nice to laugh at people when they hurt themselves!" I fake pout.

Luke is doubled over in laughter and Kris is giggling while pointing at her head.

"What's so funny?" I impatiently ask. I tentatively touch my head, and find a gross, greasy French fry stuck in my bun.

"Ugh I hate this!" I throw the soggy fry onto the now clean ground.

"Now you got to clean that up," Luke jokingly says.

Kris glances up at the clock that is mounted to the wall. "Guys, it's five thirty. Don't you think we should get to go now?"

Just then, Mr. Hubbard walks in. "You guys are dismissed, next time I expect better behavior."

"Thank you Mr. Hubbard," we chorus. As quickly as possible, the four of us put our clean supplies and scurry out of there.

Once we have escaped the school we breath a sigh of relief. "Glad that's over," I say.

"Agreed!" We head over to Sam's car because he is giving us all a ride home. The first stop is my house and Luke's home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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