Drunk Jimin pt. 2

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Jimin stared back up at Yoongi's face, which wasn't too far away from his own. Inside of his chest was tightly followed heart beats, and Jimin was completely frozen where he stood. What was Yoongi doing?

"You look terrified.", Yoongi suddenly commented with a laugh while releasing the male from his trapping arms, the pretty laugh making his mouth wide enough to show his teeth and gum. "I was just joking, calm down.", he continued, his lips turning into a grin while looking at the boy's expressions.

Jimin however kept staring up at him, not managing to laugh or move at all. His body felt hot, and he wasn't sure on whether it was the alcohol's doing or if he suddenly gained a large amount of confidence. He wanted to kiss the male's smiling lips, and let himself sink into the scent of his crush until there was no way of turning back. They were much different from Jimin's big plump lips, and he couldn't help but biting his lower lip while continuing to stare at Yoongi's. Simply imagining the taste of the other made his head feel light.

His tired eyes started filling with a mixture of adoration and lust, the latter taking overhand as he kept staring up at the male. If he did something he could always blame the alcohol, right? During their game of truth or dare he had actually drunk a lot of alcohol within such a short amount of time, not to mention it being his first proper drink, so it was fully possibly to say "Ah, sorry about yesterday, I couldn't really think properly. Let's forget it.", and use it as an excuse.


"I know I'm handsome and swag but you don't have to drool over me.", Yoongi said, trying to lighten the mood and perhaps make the male move or speak again. What came out of Jimin's mouth however would have been unexpected by anyone. Maybe Taehyung, Jimin's best friend, could have seen it coming but for Yoongi it was like being awoken at four in the morning with a punch in his face.

"Hyung... I want to kiss. Can we kiss?", he heard the younger boy's light voice, which didn't only surprise him but also made the hairs in his neck stand. He wasn't sure why it actually affected him a tad bit, but hearing something like that being said in such a genuine way along with Jimin's sweet tone did send some chills down his spine.

He looked to the sides at his shoulders which now had Jimin's petite hands holding onto them, seemingly desperate in a way. It was like his life depended on touching Yoongi with his fingers grasping onto the fabric of Yoongi's shirt so tightly.

Think straight, Min Yoongi. Don't let this kid seduce you.

"I like you, hyung.", he heard Jimin confess, and glanced over at his face seeing how he could barely focus on Yoongi properly with his eyes making him look like he would lose conciousness at any moment.

He's drunk out of his mind.

Yoongi shook his head with a hesitant smile, and reached over to ruffle the orange soft hair ontop of Jimin's head. He needed to act like a proper hyung in this moment.

"You're drunk and should probably go to sleep, Jimin.", he told the boy, and immediately recieved protests. Jimin shook his head with a giggle, and removed his hands from Yoongi's shoulders only to place them around the other's neck.

"No, hyung... I still want to kiss. I l-like you, Yoo-ongi hyung!", the boy said, his voice continuing to giggle, with his body wingling slightly as he tried to move closer to Yoongi. Looking down at the two, that's when he spotted it.


Yoongi's eyes widened upon the sight, and he tried his hardest to remain calm and remove himself from the male. Jimin's arms however kept themselves around the older's neck.

He's as hard as a rock.

Luckily however he was soon saved from the situation when he heard a horse-like voice.

"Hey, you two! Stop making out over there and get back up so we can continue to play!", Hoseok yelled with a big smile, and approached them. After looking at the two for a few more moments however, and a bit closer than from the staircase, he noticed how awkward it was. Jimin's bulge was quite obvious with his tightly fitted jeans, and he could barely stay standing even though he held onto Yoongi. Letting out a light chuckle he rolled his eyes at them.

"Jimin-ah, let's take you to bed.", Hoseok said, and could with ease untangle the male's arms from Yoongi, lift him up, and carry him over his shoulder. Yoongi simply let out a sigh in relief.

That was close.

"Wow, everything's upside-down all of a sudden!", Jimin said while sounding amazed, causing a chuckle to leave Hoseok's lips. Then, mere seconds after he said those words, he fell asleep.

Yoongi followed them upstairs, and into the bedroom in which everyone sat and talked with each other. Taehyung looked up at the three arrivals and began laughing hysterically at his friend dangling over Hoseok's shoulder.

"Didn't know your tolerance for alcohol was this low, Jiminie!"

Of course it is, you idiot. It's his first time drinking and you decided to make him drink so much alcohol withing seconds.

"What did you expect, Taehyung?", Jungkook sighed, as if he heard Yoongi's thoughts.

Hoseok carefully dropped down the light boy onto Namjoon's bed, while the mom and dad nodded approvingly of their reliable son.

"Let's leave him there so we can keep a watch on him.", Hoseok said with a smile as he sat back down on his previous spot, while Jimin slept quietly in the bed. He had already fallen asleep while Hoseok had carried him back up to Namjoon's bedroom, and was now hugging onto the pillow. He slowly inhaled and exhaled with his orange hair now messily ontop of his head, and looked quite peaceful. How cute, just like a baby, Yoongi thought to himself.

Yoongi decided to sit back down on the floor as well, but kept a watch on the boy across the room. Even if he knew how drunk he was he couldn't help but over thinking the things Jimin had said earlier.

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