Stay Until I Go

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It must have been nearly dawn when Rosalind rolled over to find Julian breathing rhythmically next to her. She took this rare opportunity to study her long lost friend.

He looked older, obviously. His jaw more defined, broad shoulders that made her feel small when they hugged, a stressed look in his eye that disappeared when he slept. She found herself counting his freckles again, like when they were children. She would poke his face until he got so annoyed he'd run away, making her chase after him.

She could never handle Jules being mad at her. Even as a girl, Rosalind would run after him and apologize until he said everything was ok. He was home, he was safe, he was something she forgot how much she missed until he took off that mask.

Suddenly, Julian's breathing fractured, and got faster and faster. His head was thrashing from side to side, mumbling words Rosalind couldn't quite make out.

"Julian," she whispered, but to no success, "Julian!"

"Watch out!" he shouted, as he shot up.

"I'm sorry I woke you," she looked down at her fingers, "you were having a nightmare."

Saying nothing, Julian pulled her into his arms again.

"What's wrong Jules? What was it?"

"You'd laugh at me." he responded softly.

"It's too early in the morning for jokes, you can tell me, this time." she tried to make him laugh, thankfully it worked.

"Fine fine," he shifted so they were looking at each other, "Remember when you were practicing on stage? And that set piece almost crushed you? It was that...except I wasn't there to catch it."

"Oh," she tilted her head, "so in your dream, I get crushed? Thanks Jules."

"I told you you'd make jokes," he poked her, "it's scary."

"I'm ok, you're home again, and I'm ok." she could barely say that out loud.

"You mean that? About me being home."

She was so embarrassed, she couldn't respond, so she pretended to sleep. Rosalind was never good at opening up. Dancing, flirting, leading, all things she could excel in. To the world, she practically glowed in confidence. But in this moment, with him, she couldn't even act like that was the case. Something in her heart was scaring her. Rosalind wanted to run and hide. So she lay there silently, controlled her breathing, and prayed he would believe she was asleep.

She felt him lay back down and just as she assumed he was back asleep, she heard him draw a breath.

"I feel like I'm home too, Rosalind. I was so scared," he paused, "So scared you'd be gone when I came back, but you're here,"

She felt his finger trace along her cheek, and it took every ounce of her not to open her eyes. And see the way she could feel him looking at her, a look no one has ever given her before, she wanted to see it.

"You're right here." and after a moment, he said, "Please don't leave. I don't know what I'd do if you did."

I could say the same thing to you, Julian. She thought, please don't leave. Rosalind wanted to beg him, please stay, stay and make my world feel ok again.

But she didn't move. She didn't say a word. She just lay there, and let Julian's plea hang in the air.

Morning came. She woke up alone.

Walking back to her room, she knew what was coming. Her mother and father would be worried out of their minds that she didn't return home last night, then grateful she was alright, and only then would they ground her.

They wouldn't if they knew. If she could just tell them Julian was home, that he was so scared to reveal himself after altering the music that he remained hidden. The Daae-Destler family would rejoice, quite possibly even throw a party at his return.

But Rosalind could and would do no such thing. She promised him, and above anyone else in the world, she kept her promises to Jules. She'd always have.

Even when he left her to greet the day alone.

Sure enough, upon her entry into the main hall, her parents were thrilled she was safe and sound.

"Rosie! Thank God." Christine Daae came rushing over, checking her daughter for possible marks or bruises. Father, however, was not as thankful.

"Rosalind Christine! Have you not the slightest idea how worried your mother and I have been? No warning? No note? You left without returning all night!" his voice boomed through the halls.

She brushed her mother's hands off her arms and walked over to her father,

"Papa, I'm sorry. I was..." she had to think quickly, "I stayed up late talking with Ev. I ended up staying the night in the dormitories."

As her parents lectured her about updating them, and responsibility, her mind drifted back to the one thing they did not address last night.

The Masked Ball.

The night Jule's hands were on her waist.

Her's in his hair.

Now that she knew who he was, there was an entire new level of heat added on to that night. Rosalind felt something deep inside her twist, and release jitters throughout her body.

"...staying the night in the dormitories is ok sweetheart, just please tell us next time." her mother finished, snapping her back into reality.

"Of course. Of course. Again, I am so sorry." Rosie looked around and her eyes fell to the clock on the wall. Oh no.

"I have practice! Meme Giry is going to kill me." she turned and ran up the stairs.  


Hello Loves! 

Here it is! The promised updates to the story. I have gotten out of my 'funk' and have gotten back into writing the story!

Currently listening to: Over and Over Again By Nathan Skyes. Such a song.

How is everyone! I'm so excited to be back online, I have seriously missed you all.  

Your Humble Servant,


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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