Chapter 10:

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Lettys Pov:
Dom was looking out the window we have in the hotel room so I walked over and put my arms around him. He turned around and picked me up then he walked over to the bed and sat down, now I was just straddling him and well it happened again. Afterwards we laid on the bed and started talking about stuff.

"Look at that smile, I love it when you smile." I say.

"You make me happy." he says.

"I think this place makes you happy." I say as I tapp on his chin and wave my finger in a circle.

"Hey do you remember that racer and his dad the ones we met?"

"The one with the boat engine."

"Yes that one, I was looking at them and I couldn't help but wonder what you would be like if you were a dad."
He picks up the sheets so that he can see my stomach.

"No,no I'm not pregnant." I say playfully.

"is that what you want?"

"Its not about what I want or what you want its about why we haven't asked the question."He smiles and gives me a kiss.

"Ok my turn, why do you think you fainted when we got here."

"Hans girl  I know her from somewhere, I guess I was just really really shocked and well it must have been overwhelming."


"But enough about that..its just you,me and Cuba so lets enjoy that ok?"


the next day



"Look outside."


Outside our hotel was the team hans, gisele, brian, Mia and baby jack, tej, ramsey, and roman. They came up to our room.

"What are you guys doing here?" dom asked

"We thought we would pay a visit also we really miss you guys." Brian said

"Its only been a couple of days." I said

"Exactly and I need my best friend." Mia said

"Also we have a job." roman said.

"Damn it roman I told you to keep that a secret until we had some kind of opening." tej said

" I had an opening and I took it also we should just get to the main point." roman said.

"What kind of job?"

"we need to find two chips one has nuclear codes and the other has bank account codes both are in the united kingdom london to be exact." ramsey stated

"The bank one is for us the nuclear code is for Hobbs." Brian said

"Does Hobbs know about the bank one?" I ask.

"No." tej said

"then were in." I said. Dom looks over at me and smiles.

"Ok well lets get started." Brian said.

We clear the table and start planning. I see gisele outside so I walk over to her.


"Hi." she says

"So do I know you from somewhere."

"I..I don't think so but you can definitely get to know me." she says touching my shoulder. When she did I got a flashback.

Dom and letty: A love like thisWhere stories live. Discover now