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The journey through Fowler Fields was a pain. Whether it was the halfway-to-boiling, aka still blazing - temperatures, the green grass that stretched to the clouds, the sun rays that would probably give anyone a tan, or some other thing, it wasn't a good time for anyone. Evan Fowler, the just-turned-eighteen-year-old, middle child son of Robert and Suzanne Fowler (more commonly known as Bobby and Anne) - the owners of the most valuable and productive farm system in the entire south side, sat reclined under a lone tree on top of a hill, composing himself after trekking over the land, twirling a blade of grass within his fingers and overlooking the herds of cattle and acres of whatever foods were in season right then. He was all caught up in himself, becoming one with nature as he usually did, taking in the sweet air, until a rustle behind him was heard.

The boy lifted the rim of his hat and glanced over his shoulder to see some of the glass blades moving, even though there was no breeze to blow them. Yet, that didn't bother him. He knew exactly what that meant. "You actually came," he said to himself... or at least that's what it would like from his family's point-of-view below, if they could see him. However, that was anything but the truth. Emerging from the turf, her head and tops of her shoulders being the only parts of her rising over it, was Ayana Brown, a nineteen-year-old with a... well, let's just say she has a big pretty much everything, except her ego and her... height. "I can't believe you actually came."

"I can't believe you asked for me. That's what's really surprising about this." Ayana was known in her family and her group of friends for having the biggest mouth that could ever exist on a girl... or anyone, really, talking back and making snappy comebacks, like it was nothing. No one would believe that now, except for the few she does open up to. It's rare to hear her speak now, but it's always obvious that her thoughts are always in motion. "You know I'm an obedient girl." And that is why she rarely speaks. "Of course I came."

Not even verifying if he was even talking to his wanted guest, but hoping it was her, he took the silence for what it was and began speaking, gazing to the skies. "You know, I've been thinking lately..."

"Oh, really? That's a change. I didn't know you could do that." Ayana, of course, meant that spitefully, but it was, in reality, a double-edged sword. For one, whenever she had the chance to get a peek at a test score or class grade of Evan's on a paper - you know, before she got caught, if ever - she could obviously tell that he couldn't touch her intelligence with a ten-foot pole, school-wise, at least. But, whenever he and she were ever together before, especially around other people in his family, he would be impassive and silent, as though he really couldn't think for himself. This 'conversation' nearly threw all of her thoughts about him in left field. Nearly.

"...I've been thinking about things," Evan continued, "about how things... work." Well, the low/bad grades weren't that far off with Evan's reality. When it came to writing and constructing sentences, he was basic, to say the least. It made him look unintelligent, yet it was really just nervousness. He could never reach his full potential when nervous, including how he is now. Despite their range in stature, Ayana terrified him, from what he has been able to catch from her, when he's out of sight, and she's in her natural element, being herself. "And I just... I just feel like... like this- You know what? The hell with it."

"Huh? You're already tongue-twisted? That's ridi-... The hell?" Out of nowhere, totally out of character with his usually deadpan self, the enormous Evan lifted from his lounged position to flip onto his front side, get down on the dirt ground, and face his guest, whoever he or she was. Luckily for him, it was Ayana, rather than another tiny scattered around the property or some free animal of some kind. His dramatic, quick movement spooked the girl enough to make her jump and fall on her butt, her multitude of braids fanning out in all directions... or maybe it was just him shaking the ground too much for her to stay balanced. Who knows, really? But, one thing was obvious: they both had a good view of each other now. "Huh, I never realized... he's changed a lot in a year..." Maybe it was just her now-relevant anxiety working, but with his tanned skin, short, straight, blonde hair, barely-noticeably-stubbled face, and brown eyes, she could tell... he wasn't bad looking, and he seemed much more mature than what he once was. She made sure to look away quick enough before he noticed her stare.

"Things around here have been- Whoa." He stopped right when he noticed the mini miss. It's rare enough for them to be near each other, but at this distance, he could see everything she had to offer: her mocha skin, her perfectly plump (in every way) body, her orange dress-thing that looked a lot like a cloth his mother is missing, and those green pools that were her eyes. Everything about her, inside and out, was everything Evan's parents didn't want him to have in a lady friend or significant other, and he didn't care. He couldn't tell anyone that, though... even though he may have just done that on accident right now. To glaze over that, he tried to get back on track. "Um... Th-Things have been very, uh, not normal, around here lately..."

"Is that so? Because I thought an elitist couple finding some magic man to concoct a freaking mystical gas bomb and throwing at some innocent families that just happened to be nearby and of a different ethnicity and some of their same kind that just didn't know any better, shrinking them, taking them from all they know, making them become 'indentured servants' - though that's definitely not the word - to this freaking farm- no, plantation's a more suitable word, and doing who-knows-what-else to them is perfectly normal." And that is why Ayana Brown is how she is today, to say the least. She couldn't actually say that, obviously, because reasons, but Evan easily comprehended the glare she gave that complemented her quietness.

"...uh, yeah, and... I... I don't like it." That comment grabbed the girl's attention, making her cock her head back toward him. See, Evan was, in every way, Bobby Fowler's son, and Bobby was... is a beast beyond comparison. So, to hear his son say such things was unheard of. "I can't help but... I... f-feel guilty or something." Ayana was beyond confused now. The soon heir - because Bobby believes in gender roles before actual knowledge, so the eldest (a girl) would get passed up - to this land is... being sensitive... toward her... and the rest of them? Yet, that didn't screw with her head as much as his next sentence did. "Are... are you h-hurt?"

Ayana's eyes widened, not so much because of the answer - it was simple: yes - but the reasoning for said answer was... complicated. "I'm hurt. I'm hurt that my family is hurt. I'm hurt that my friends are hurt. I'm hurt that this is happening. I'm hurt that I have to be put through this. So much pain."

"A-Ayana? That... that is your name, r-right? You can talk to me..." Perhaps it was his nearly-puppy-dog eyes that was pulling her heartstrings, but she was close to doing so. Close. "I swear... I swear on my life I'm... I'm not like my parents." Evan brought his head down to the ground, since it was previously being held up by his hands and elbows and whatnot, and propped it on his hands and wrists, now allowing him to be level with his girly guest's eyes, as she stood up again. "I'm not my parents. I'm not my sister. And I don't even know how the young ones are." Ayana knew that the bosses Fowler were tough, but the Fowler children - except Evan - were another story. A horror story. "Please... just say... something..." Evan was pleading now... "Please? Please? Please?" ...and Little Miss Cynical didn't want to deal with that. She'd let up just to end this. "Please? Please? Plea-?"

"Ugh, for crying out loud, what is it, Evan!?"  

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