Prologue: The Hike

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The sound of leaves crunching under heavy boots filled the air and blended with the normal sounds of bird chirping and air blowing through the trees. Lyra, a young 16 year old woman began to hike with a quicker pace towards the base of the mountain. Nothing but trees reaching towards the sky surrounded her, and she preferred nothing else but that. With a backpack at her side and a water bottle, Lyra traveled further through the mountain trails of Elmyra. Her long brunette hair had been tied back into a pony tail, her blue shirt covered in dirt, and her  gray pants worn from months of adventure, she was ready to go towards the uncharted territory. As she approached the end of the grass covered trail, two gray stone pillars towered over her with an old, torn, rope hanging in between them. On each rock, a covering read a message. 

Who ever shalt pass these stones must do so at their own risk. For those that enter these woods, their passage shall be granted, but their life lost. 

It was a warning to any that had entered the woods past this point. Villages at the base of the mountain Elmyra spoke of the evils that had surrounded the upper forests of the mountain. It had been said throughout legends that the woods were cursed and inhabited with monsters and if anyone had been foolish enough to go past the trail; they were never heard from again. 

Time almost seemed to pause as Lyra looked back behind her, and then back past the stone pillars. Wind blew through her shirt and seemed to rush past the stones. She sighed and took a deep breathe. "I need to go into these woods. I just have to know what lies ahead, I need to know..". She clenched her necklace through her shirt. The necklace, a silver locket, had been the only possession besides a few clothes, her water bottle, and some tools she had for the hike she had planned would take a few days to complete. "I'll be back, I'll make it back. Those stories are just legends, nothing else." She adjusted the straps on her backpack and ducked under the old rope and walked ahead into the mountains.  

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