Chapter 2

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Darkness...fading into light.

Lyra slowly had begun to stir. Her hands finally started moving. Her eyes fluttered open slowly. She sat on a cold, dry stone. She wiped the sleep from her eyes as she slowly looked around. As she did, she saw that she was deep in a cave

Where am I? She thought to herself as she slowly rose to her feet. Her legs were still weak after fainting but she knew she had to look around. Her back felt warmth and she turned to see a fire roasting, smoke traveling up a hole made in the ceiling. She could tell the night had come as stars filled the dark sky through the hole. Then, across from her in the distance was the entrance to the cave lined with bushes and the light from the moon. She tried remembering how she got here, and what had even happened before she fainted. Thinking to herself, she tried playing everything back. 

So I was running from the woods, I got cornered, and then that...that giant! That giant got right near..and..and I passed out? Did he leave me behind? And where is my knife? Crap what happened to it?! She panicked.

She patted her side pocket but felt no knife. With shaken hands she felt around her neck to look for her necklace and sighed with relief. Her locket was still there safe and sound. With little to do, she quickly began to explore her surroundings around the bonfire big enough for a campout of ten people. On the other side of the fire, she found her backpack. It still had her notebook, an apple, and fresh cheese. The rope and water were also there. Thirsty, she began to take a sip of water, quenching her thirst. Finally, after regaining a little of bit of normalcy, Lyra sat back down with her tan backpack in her lap and spoke aloud. 

"Okay so I know that I'm in some cave, I have no idea where exactly I am. I have practically no food, and there is a giant somewhere out there, the coyotes or wolves or whatever else this forest has might kill me before that giant does...great. And to top it all off, I don't even have my knife so I have to figure that out. Just perfect. Ughhh." She grunted as she punched the ground near her leg. And sighed before clenching her fists. " Well I guess I haven't been in worst situations; and whimpering about isn't going to help much. So first I have to figure out where I am. Then I have to make something to mark a trail, and after that I just have to look at the sun and figure out what direction to head and I should hit a camp or hunting party or something. And if I play my cards right, I won't have to gather food, but if I have to, I'm sure I could find a place to fish or something. Don't need a knife for that. Alright I can do this, I'll just wait until the morning to head out. But first thing is first, I need to know who's cave this is. Maybe they could point the way for me and..." 

Her words were cut short as she felt a slow, deliberate thump in the ground, followed by footsteps. Someone, or rather something, was coming. Lyra quickly got back to the spot she had originally woken up from and waited. And then she gasped. Walking into the entrance of the cave was that very same giant. His body blocked the entrance of the cave, leaving the hole and the fire as the only source of light. He hulked, just as big as before. Lyra closed her eyes partially, pretending to still be unconscious and he walked in, but still be able to see. The giant walked over and stood by the fire before dropping a large net half the size of Lyra he had held effortlessly before falling over to sit. He landed gracefully enough, but the cave floor shook from his large bulk alone. He sighed and then looked right back at Lyra. Quickly, she winced and kept her eyes. Just as he looked away, she opened her eyes and gasped inaudibly. 

Just as she searched for the best way out without being noticed, she noticed the giant arch his brow and look into a direction. She followed his gaze and looked over to her backpack. 

Crap...I left it open and the apple out! He probably notices 

The giant then looked back over at Lyra with a stern look on his face. Lyra then snapped up and ran as fast as she could towards the exit. The giant got up quickly even for his size and roared before he shouted at her. "Wait! Stop now!" But she ran even faster. Soon the cold night air slammed into her skin as she ran out of the cave and into woods. She didn't look back, she just kept running as fast as her legs could take her. As she sped forward, her foot got caught in an oak root causing her ankle to twist and fall . Her legs caught under her as her body scraped into dirt and rocks, ripping her pants on her left knee and a rock slashing her skin. Blood oozed from the deep cut as she began to crawl. She then heard the booming steps behind her. She just keep crawling, hoping to hide in some bushes. As she did though, she heard the familiar growls of the forest. Panic and dread filled every cell in her body as she tried to think of what to do next. Before she could she heard footsteps and turned behind. 

There stood the giant, sweating from the run but looking down on her. He then went to reach for her. As he did. She pulled her legs back, tears streaming down her face. She felt at a loss, utterly defenseless. "Stop! Stay back monster!" She shouted up at the hulking behemoth before covering her mouth, shaking at what she had done. 

Great now he's either just going to crush me for yelling at him. I must look like an appetizer to him! 

The giant towered over her again. His great bulk emanating heat on her as he seemed to growl through his beard. But then he looked down at her with brown eyes that almost seemed, hurt. He then crouched down, as though trying to get down to her level and putting his hands down. 

"I'm not going to hurt ya." His voice was soft, low, and loud yet gentle. Lyra looked up and saw what looked like a tear in one of his eyes and the look of disappointment, and sheer sadness. 

"And I'm not a monster ya know. Now let me help ya little girl. Can ya stand?" 

Lyra look dumbfounded. Here was this giant, this beast of a man, and he looked defeated almost. While she thought about it, pain seared through her spine, her teeth clenched. With the rush of adrenaline fading, the pain from her ankle and her cut knee catching up. She tried getting up to stand but looked at the ground in defeat. "n-no, I c-can't sir..." She stuttered in response. 

The giant looked down and reached out with both hands, but Lyra shrieked back a bit from hands large as boulders. He pulled back a bit and continued to frown under his beard. "Don't be afraid, I already told ya I'mma not gonna hurt ya, ya little human. But it's not safe to be out here tonight, so I gotta pick ya up." 

Lyra looked up at him and breathed deeply. "o-ok.". The giant smiled at that and gently picked her up, his large branch like fingers delicately avoiding the injured leg and resting her in both of his palms. Lyra felt his hands, rough from the forests and no doubt hard work. She shivered thinking that this giant could easily throw her, crush her in his hands, or worse. But she had no choice. For now she needed to buy some time. 

The giant then began walking back to the cave. As they did, Lyra gazed into the sky, waiting for what was next with this giant. 

Alright, I hope some people like it as they read. Let me know what you think in the comments section. I'm hoping to update this with two chapters a week or more. Till then. 

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