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Hey! The reaction for my last chapter was awesome! It either made you cry or smile, bit contradictory but whatever. So hopefully I can keep it up!

I wasn't planning on updating but I'd done loads of revision and writing was my reward and I said that if I write 1000 words of the next update then I'd update... I think you can guess what I did. 

Remember to: vote, comment, share and fan!

She'd just closed Twitter, her tears streaming down her face. She had had enough of people saying things about the break whether it be from haters who were certain that they would never make a comeback or fans who made unnecessary remarks about how there would be no more Wanted Wednesday videos or no more bromance moments, she had had enough.

The break was something that she had struggled to come to terms with, when someone had been a constant in your life, it was hard to imagine what life would amount to once they were gone. What would fill up her time when she didn't have to be online and find out what antics they had been up to, when she didn't have to read any fanfiction, when she didn't have to make any fan-art or watch any videos, what would she do? She didn't want to do anything else because she loved all the things that being a fan brought with it and she didn't want to lose all of that. She didn't want the break because she would miss all the things that would have to stop, especially the Wanted Wednesday mailer and flip because it was something no other idol could provide her with or something they could match to make her smile just as much. Lately, there had been period of time without any mailer but eventually they started sending them out again but they didn't include the fanmily favourite flip which just felt wrong, it felt like the mailer was incomplete.

A lot of fans didn't like Wednesdays anymore but she just took it as an opportunity to relive the old days and watch flips from years ago. Today's one was definitely an old one but it's jokes were renowned within the fanbase. It was from the first series of The Wanted on The Wanted and it was Tom on Max.

At first it showed Max, who had only had around two hours sleep, running around the boys' house at 6 in the morning shouting and telling them all to get up because it was Wanted Wednesday, all of them behaving as if it was Christmas and they were five years old.

Then the flip took us into Starbucks where the questioning began, she imagined that this was where Nathan's Starbucks addiction began. The first few questions were quite funny but not hilarious and then it was the turn of the infamous "who's your favourite member?" question. The boys all ooh-ed and she couldn't help but smile since she knew what was to come.

"Of what?" Max asked which gained silence from his band mates. Jayne informed him that the question meant The Wanted to which Jay replied: "Not the Olympic gymnastics team, is it?" That particular answer was a standout answer to the TWFanmily, all the boys laughed and so do the fans whenever they hear it. It wasn't so much the specifics of the answer that was so laughable but more of the sheer randomness and speed in which Jay delivered the answer which made it quite frankly hilarious.

Other questions passed by including the story of when Jay drunkenly cried because he met Frankie from The Saturdays which was hilarious to watch Jay relive and cringe at. Then it came to the story when Tom wore hair extensions in a photo shoot because his fringe was thin, the other boys laughed at him for it and Tom sarcastically replied, "yes I wore hair extensions, I'm a woman" then all the boys broke into hysterics including herself, she couldn't contain her laughter.

"It wasn't that funny!" A grumpy sounding person exclaimed from beside her which caused her to jump up out of fright and shock. She didn't remember seeing anyone there, in fact she knew that no one was in the house at that moment in time except her.

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