Not an update but a rant

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So guys I'm sorry I haven't really had the motivation to write it's been over a year since I have throughly enjoyed FairyTail. I have nothing against it it's a great anime but I think I've just grown out of it.. I was harassed (I wouldn't really call it bullied) for liking it because back then (past grace ) I was kinda a weeaboo. Anyway I've tried to suppress it because I don't want people calling me a weeaboo in public (yes this really happened). Anyway I kinda left that weeaboo girl back in 8th grade. It sounds bad and selfish and really really fake but I'd rather conceal a smaller part of me than become self-conscious. I'm not setting a good example I get that but I can't go through that embarrassment. I'm not ashamed that I like anime because I know a lot of influential people that do, I'm ashamed of how I expressed my enjoyment. So I'm sorry if the updates are a lot slower but please if you are even a little loyal please continue to stick with this book even if it takes weeks.
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This is an update from God knows how long ago I am very saddened by what I wrote that I would rather conceal the fun anime loving self for now... I don't know if i will ever let it out in my highschool career. I would never mean to take away anime from any of my reader that is something that would sicken me to do so please if you were as big of a anime person as I was and still sort of an then don't let what my words stop you it's just where I live and who lives there and goes to school with me. For an update I am in my sophomore year of highschool I'm sorry for not updating this book I just lost motivation and nobody has called me a weeaboo but it has gotten close and I don't want to risk it... So yeah this might be the last update until I can find motivation
Love you all please continue to do what makes you happy

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