Chapter 7

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"That was great, Harry. We will see you tomorrow and don't forget you have the photoshoot coming up next week." Dakota said wrapping up the day with Harry's recording.

"Yeah, I won't. Bye." Harry wasn't his usual cheery self cause since last night when he came back from his date he's been hoping to see Louis. But he wasn't even there for breakfast, a note was kept saying he has some errands to do.

He's new to the city, what work could he possibly be doing? Harry was really looking forward to bringing Louis to the studio.

Maybe Louis felt bad that Harry ditched him last night? But, Harry felt so bad about it, Louis was on his mind the whole time! He should really make it up to him.

What does Louis love?...

If only Harry knew...


"Louis? You there?" Harry called out as he entered the house.

"In here." Louis called out from the living room.

"I'm sorry." They both said simultaneously.

Louis gestured Harry to speak up first, "I'm sorry for not showing up last night. I bought some horror movies since horror is your favourite genre." Even though it wasn't Harry's, in fact it gave him nightmares. "I even bought Chinese takeout with fortune cookies." He smiled.

"That's- that's incredible, Haz. Thank you so much and I wasn't even mad for last night." Louis couldn't believe he got so lucky. "I'm sorry, I had to go buy a new laptop to work from here and miss breakfast." He said while offering Harry a bouquet of red roses.

Harry loves red roses.

"These are beautiful Lou! You set this up while I'll go put them in water."

"Let's eat first and then we can watch movies." Louis said.

After finishing up their dinner, they both decided to open and read their fortune cookies.

"Okay, Lou, you go first." Harry said excitedly. He loves fortune cookies, cause till now whatever he gets, it's always been right.

"Here we go." Louis cracked open the fortune cookie, "True love never goes unnoticed. Your lucky numbers are 21, 19, 94, 28 and 13." Louis grinned up at Harry.

"Mine says, 'Sometimes the things you have been seeking your whole life is right in front of you. Just open your mind and look inside your heart. Your lucky numbers are 12, 24, 19, 91, and 28.'" Harry looked up to see Louis sitting in front of him and his smile faltered a bit cause Louis looked so kissable with his pink lips stretched into a grin, two buttons of his shirt opened from the top with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and hair perfectly messy.

"Which one do you want to watch first?" Louis asked snapping Harry out of his lustful daze.

"Uh.." It was hard to concentrate on anything with the way all Harry could think about was how Louis would taste or act if Harry licked and bit the outline of the nerve protruding out on the side of his neck. "Y-you" he cleared his throat. "You decide."

"Okay. How about.. The exorcist."


Harry was laying wide awake in his bed, too afraid to even move an inch. Why did he think this was a good idea!?

He gulped as he quickly snatched his phone from the side table cause he was too scared thinking if he took any longer to grab his phone, some hand might hold onto his wrist.

"Hello Nick?" There was a loud music playing in the background.

"Hey Harry. Listen I'm in an important party with some people, I really can't talk right now. I'll call you in the morning." Nick kept the phone not even bothered to hear Harry's reply.

"But I wanted you to be here for me cause I'm scared..." Harry whispered in the empty and scarily silent room.

After a 10 more minutes of haunting thoughts Harry said, "Fuck this shit" and ran towards Louis's room.

"Hey Lou." Harry whispered gently cause he felt like cooing how adorable Louis looked while sleeping with his mouth parted slightly. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked when Louis opened his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Come on in." Louis scooted back and lifted up the blanket to let Harry slip in. Harry was barely settled in when Louis threw his limbs all over Harry. Normally this would require a lot more courage but right now Louis was way too sleepy to care about the consequences.

Harry widened his eyes at the sudden intrusion, but didn't move away cause this was just the way how he always wanted to be cuddled. Louis's arms tightly around his waist, with a leg thrown over both his legs and Louis's face inside the crook of the neck.

'Sometimes the things you are seeking at right in front of you.' The quote rang inside his head.

He's always wanted someone whose supportive.


Harry sighed angrily and sadly while removing his nail polish.

"Why are you doing that?" Louis asked.

'Wow! Just the perfect time for him to enter.'

"Removing my nail polish before you start attacking me how inappropriate it is." He rolled his eyes.

"Why would I say that?" Louis was confused. He'd never once conveyed Harry to be anyone but his own self.

"Quit the drama, the deed is al-" Harry was cut off when Louis grabbed his hands gently. The man stopped Harry from removing anymore nail polish and started re applying them.

"Don't ever change yourself for anyone, Harry." Louis smiled as he finished doing all the nails.

"You're quite good at this." Harry smiled back. He was impressed.

"Well I have 4 younger sisters so.." Louis chuckled.

*end flashback."

Someone whose understanding.


"I'm really sorry for hurting you and your family, Louis." Harry looked up into Louis's blue eyes, which he hadn't notice how blue they were. With the city lights shining down on his face, Louis looked very very good.

"I'm sorry too." Louis let out a breath. "For everything."


"Honestly, Harry you could've told me earlier about your plans and I would've helped you! Like we could've eloped when you were 16!" Louis exclaimed a bit too loud in the middle of the street.


I wasn't even mad for last night.


Someone who gets to know him, wants to make him happy and cares about him.

All the thoughts of how Louis knew his favourite dish, breakfast, chocolate flavour, colour and his ideal way to pass time.

He's always wanted someone who loves him for who he really is.


"Don't ever change yourself for anyone, Harry."


Harry pushes a strand of fringe falling over Louis's closed eye. Louis has really long ad beautiful thick lashes.


"How can you even be sure that you've fallen in love and not just infatuated?" Harry asked no one in general looking at the stupid chick in the movie.

"Over time, you start realising how great and amazing certain things about the other makes you feel so content and happy, making you love them all. These little things add up to the love you feel and in a moment, the moment where you think you can't lose them, that's when you know you love them." Louis answered looking straight in Harry's green eyes.

"Yes, Louis I know you're deep and philosophical." Harry fondly rolled his eyes.


Harry ran his fingers through Louis's hair. He remembers how quick he was to deny Louis going away.

Is this Harry's moment?

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