Chapter 6

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"Honestly, Harry you could've told me earlier about your plans and I would've helped you! Like we could've eloped when you were 16!" Louis exclaimed a bit too loud in the middle of the street.

They were out exploring the city. Harry's parents had left, they'd come to stay only for a day with them. After a while, they both got tired and were now looking for an ice cream shop.

"That's ridiculous. You would've to be my legal guardian then." Harry reasoned. There was smile on his face the whole time. It was great seeing Louis not moping around and be happy. "Why would you even do that?" He playfully rolled his eyes.

"Why wouldn't I be! In fact, I'm ready to be your guardian for life." Seeing Harry bark a laugh at his confession, Louis mocked being offended. "That's what husband's do." He perked up his eyebrow.

Even though he knows that Harry knows that Louis respects Harry's decision to not see themselves as married, it's not like Louis would ever give up a chance to not call Harry his husband.

"My my! Look at you! Louis Tomlinson, the man who couldn't even speak two lines to anyone without blushing is now shamelessly flirting." Harry shook his eyes fondly.

Truth was he didn't mind being flirted at by Louis. He loved it actually, cause the man looked so adorable with that cheeky smile and his beautiful blue eyes would seem to sparkle in delight. And for some reason, Louis always knew what exactly to say, when to say, how to say and it always drove Harry a little crazy.

"Guess I always push my luck when I'm with you." Louis smiled at Harry. He had stopped in front of Harry, who thought if he kept on walking, even Louis would start walking ahead. But, that didn't happen. What did happen was them standing close to each other, staring into each other's eyes, not bothering about the world around them cause it was too hard to hear anything over their heart beating fast and the overwhelming feeling to taste each other's lips.

Harry cleared his throat when he caught Louis staring at his lips. He wanted Louis to kiss him.

Wait. No, he doesn't. That was just a stupid thought. And besides, he's dating Nick now and Louis knows that. Harry was of course too quick to say yes to Nick's proposal when he asked the boy after the party ended. He remembers how he was so excited about it and told Louis every detail.

Even Louis remembers that cause last night was the first night when he went to sleep drunk.

"Uh, there's uh shop right there. I'll go get it." With that Louis didn't mutter another word and left without asking which flavour Harry wanted. It's not like he needs to, he already knows that. He used to have a huge crush on Harry after his father showed his image to him and since then he's been asking around, getting to know all the things the boy likes and dislikes.

"Chocolate Mint! This is my favourite. How did you?-" Even Harry's family hadn't bothered to know this. Louis is probably the only human to know this.

Louis just shrugged in response.


"Okay, I'm tired." Harry yawned. "I'll just go and sleep for a while." With that he walked into his room and shut the door.

Louis was a bit tired too, but he had more important things to do than resting.

Rubbing the sleep off his eyes while simultaneously yawning, Harry walked into the living room only to leave his mouth hanging mid-air.

In front of the TV, there was mattresses kept and over that many fluffy pillows! He could also smell scented candles around, lavender ones, the one he loves. The whole thing looked so beautiful.

"Hey, I remembered how you said that you've always wanted to binge watch rom-coms the whole night on a -" Louis began explaining why he did this great gesture. It was all because he wanted to make Harry happy.

"I-I know." Harry stared at Louis for long. "No one has ever done something like this for me. This means a lot. Thank you Louis." Harry hugs Louis, he'd craved for the warmth he'd felt the first time he had hugged Louis.

"It's alright." Louis hugged back. He would drag his mattress all the way from his room to the living room, run down stores to stores to find big fluffy pillows cause they didn't have enough, find Harry's favourite movies, popcorn and scented candles to lit them up all around the mattress on daily basis just to see Harry smile.

"So shall we get going?" Louis asked.

They spend the whole night watching Harry's favourite movies till they both fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms.


The next morning Harry woke up to the smell of waffles with whipped cream, pomegranate juice and apple. His ideal breakfast.

"Breakfast in bed. Fancy." Harry hummed. Just when he thought he couldn't be more happier, look what Louis did. He never even imagined he could've felt so special ever in his life. "Wait, you can cook!?"

"Well, yeah. I stayed alone in London for quite some time. So I did learn a thing or two." Louis shrugged like it was no big deal how many waffles he had attempted to learn since he came to know Harry's preferred breakfast.

"Wow and all this while my mom kept on pestering me to learn how to cook for you." Harry said as he began eating.

"But why? I never even said anything about making you do something you're uncomfortable with. Especially when I know how much you hate cooking. I even asked my mom to teach me stuff, so you don't ever have to." Louis frowned cutely.

"Aww, Louis." Harry leaned forward to smack a kiss on Louis's cheek cause all this was so sweet! "You're the best."


Harry was off to the studio for recording and would probably be there the whole day. So, Louis and Harry had made plans to have dinner together.

Louis spent the whole evening cooking the dish and then too busy with setting up the table to notice Harry's call.

When he finally did pick up, he saw he had two missed calls from Harry and one voicemail.

"Hey Lou. I'm so sorry but I can't make it to dinner tonight. Nick's taking me out. We will plan this some other day. Hope you understand. Bye" Harry's voice rang through the empty room.

Of course Louis understands the pain of a heartbreak, this isn't the first time.

He threw away his chicken wrapped in parma ham, stuffed with mozzarella with a side of homemade mashed potatoes into the bin and just got drunk to numb everything.

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