chapter 2

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Maria's pov

I'm panting hard as I am running through the woods. I can feel my heart about to jump out of my chest. I can feel the wind pushing my hair back, out of my face. I push my legs to go faster. I take deep breaths, so I don't run out of breath. I listen to the snap of twigs under my bare feet. I see the edge of a cliff up ahead. I run even faster, pushing my limits. I ready my magic, as I get to the edge of the cliff. I jump off the cliff, letting my self fall. I feel the rush of wind go by me. I watch as the water appears to rush at me. At about 50 feet from the water when I release my magic.

I feel my body changing, my bones become hollow. My hair begins to shorten. My face stretches out. My arms thins out. I feel my self start to grow feathers. I am now a Phoenix. After I'm finished changing, I'm 25 feet from the waves. At 5 feet, I spread my wings and start flying horizontal to the water.

I continued to glide 3 feet above the water, until I see what I was looking for, Gabby on her jetski. I angle myself so, I am gliding next to the jetski. I gather some magic so I can shift again. I feel my self shift in to my half state. Where my arms are wings still, but my body is normal.

"Gabby! Izzy is looking for you! She wants some advice with something! She wouldnt tell me what though! She says only you can know!" I shout over to Gabby. She looked over at me and gave me a small nod, letting me know she heard me. "She said to tell you she'll meet you at the usual spot." I yell once more. Gabby nods once more, before she starts to turn her jetski around, Heading back to town. I use my wings and fly back to the cliff I launched off of. I land on the edge, I shift my wings back to my arms, before I shift in to a wolf. I then start running through the woods again. I run until I make it to the clearing where Abby is, so we can meditate together before I have to teach my next class, on how to treat and raise animals and nature.


Gabby's pov

When I heard Maria say that Izzy was looking for me. I got excited, but I didn't show it.

I had turned my jet ski back around, heading back to town. Once I pulled up to the beach I press the button on the left handle. I felt and seen my jet ski start to fold up, until it was a ring on my thumb.


I've not much to say, but I'm going to say this, the first few chapters are boring.

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