chapter 7

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Akira POV

As I am leaving the meeting, deep in my thoughts about the immortals, I run into a stranger, who is not only a furry, but an animal I don't even know. "I'm sorry ma'am" I say, but she looks scared and lost. I firmly but calmly grab her shoulders to get her attention "breath, no one will hurt you while I'm near, now tell me your problems and your name" I say, completely forgetting my own for the moment. "My name is Rosethorn Kitara, but everyone calls me Rose" she responds.

Rose POV

I am thinking, who the hell is this person who I'm about to tell all my secrets to, well not all of my secrets. "Alright, but may I ask your name first?" I ask. "Akira Kimura" she responds. Nice name, maybe I can trust her. "Ok Akira, but ive been on the road for 4 days..." I trail off before I tell her why, and then notice the barrel of a sniper rifle poking above her shoulder. "How about we head somewhere I can rest" I say, finally feeling how tired I am, noticing my shoes are fully worn down so I'm almost barefoot. And I fall unconcious.

Akira POV

I catch her when she passes out and carry her inside, not thinking about all the questions I'll be getting carrying a civilian into the meeting room. Which by the way is meant only for military personel and family. "Who the hell is this!" Riku asks as I walk in with Rose draped over my shoulder. "Her name is Rose, I ran into her outside and she kinda just collapsed so I brought her in here. I can't carry her, by myself, to our house Riku. And another thing, I wanna do some research on what she is and where she comes from." I head to my computer and start my research, as Riku sits on a chair, watching Rose as she sleeps. Unfortunately I can't find anything on either subject, and these chairs aren't very comfortable after an hour of sitting on them and thats when Rose wakes up. We lead her to our house, and yes I still live with my sister. "Now, where are you from and why are you here" Riku fires off the question like a shotgun, making me flinch at her tone, but Rose is as still as stone almost as if she's been talked to like this before."Fisrt off, don't use that tone with me, second I'm from a remote town or at least that's where I grew up, and finally I'm running." I just glance back and forth between the two, thinking Nobody has ever talked to Riku like that, Rose has balls to talk to her in that tone. Riku is just as shocked as I am. I notice Riku has her hand up her sleeve, grabbig the handle of her hidden knife, and Roses fist is clenched and is covered in what seems like black fire BLACK FIRE! "Lets all calm down here" I say as I jump between them. "Before anything lets take her to magic school, I hear Gabby and Maria are excelent at defining magical origin." "Fine" they both reply at the same time and I sigh. Thank you, I don't know if I could have dealt with that. I think as I hold the door for them and Riku leads Rose to Magic Acadamy.

Gabby's POV

After teaching my students a new spell, I'm walking around correcting stances. I come to a particularly good one and adjust her, thinking about last night. To bad for lack of sleep, but it was totally worth it. I think to myself, looking back on last night after me and Izzy got to my house. I yawn and head back to the front of the room and make a marshmallo like chair, watching the rest as I drift off to sleep. I wake up an hour later as I see my two favorite people in fron of me, Riku and Akira. Both of whom came to me for advice on physical combat magic and weapon sommoning. "What can I do for you...." I trail off as I notice the magical pressence of another, almost as strong as myself and I look behind them. "Who are you?" I ask the stranger in mind speach. She jumps and looks over at me "Rose" she simply responds. I nod and start prodding her thoughts, but before I can get anywhere, shes in front of me and her hand is around my throat "dont do that" she growls. I rub my throat and glance at her "Jeez you're strong" I state. "Who the hell is this, and whats with her flaring magic?" I direct at Riku and Akira, more towards Akira as I can sense feelings about Rose. "Well, I don't really know anything about her" Akira responds. "Ok, I'm sorry about probing your thoughts Rose, let me start again. I'm Gabby, and I can help you with your magic problem." I tell her as calmly as possible, and she relaxes as I motion her to another chair I created, looking identical to mine. She sits and I motion its ok for the others to leave. "How can you help me with my poblems." I smirk in response. "Lets just say I was like you until I was 18 and actually had control over my magic." "You have no idea what you're getting into do you?" she asks curiously. I laugh, letting my magic slip away from me for a moment to look like I have sharp teeth, but only for a second. "Please, I know more about magic than anyone here, the only magic I can't figure out how to control is elemental magic, but I'm working towards that level." "Oh really, then what pray tell is pure hadalen essence?" she asks, stumping me. I go to answer and realize I don't know. "Ok you win Rose, what is exactly hadalen essence?' I ask curiously. "I gotta show you" she respons standing.


Hey its winter, just letting you know, Rose is in fact another one of my characters and sorry it took so long to update and publish this chapter

winter has signed out

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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