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It was definitely way too hot to get a good nights sleep so when the sun finally came up I was happy to get out of bed.

I wandered down the hallway into Emily's room, peeking my head around the door to see her still fast asleep.

I chuckled to myself at the sight of her room which was already a mess even upon landing not even 24 hours ago. I decided that I was going to wake her up and ask to go to the waterpark that was supposed to be one of the best in Greece.

Instead of waking her up in a gentle or nice way, I thought I'd do the exact fucking opposite. So i tiptoed downstaired and got the watergun which I filled up and carried back upstairs.

I pushed the door open to see Emily not in bed but instead her head popping out from behind the en suite door.

"Fuck you Maynard" she uttered before pulling her own water gun out and spraying my bare chest, sending shivers due to the cold water.

"How on earth did you even know what I was gonna do? I thought you were asleep!" I screeched.

"I was awake actually and I heard you chuckle and say 'watergun' to yourself!" She giggled.

"Ohh, well anyway," I said while flopping onto her bed "wanna go to the waterpark today?" I asked.

"Only if you get your soggy fat arse off my bed." She chuckled, bending down to smack my arm.

"Great, get your beach bag and shit ready then because im taking you on all of the slides today." I said like a child and walked out of her room.


"Oh i see you put your cute braids in again today" Jack smiled while tugging at one, making me swat his hand away.

"Yeah I do." I said smiling slightly. "Can you open that window? Im sweating like a pig on a spit" I asked, it was way too hot on this bus.

"Em, we'll be there in a minute, look can you see the slide over there!" He said, his eyes lighting up like a child on christmas day.

"Aw you're really excited arent you?" I giggled.

"Yeah they have a swoopy slide!" I looked at him in confusion.

"A swoopy slide? What the fuck is that?" I asked genuinely confused.

"A big one, thats all you need to know" he muttered.


Jack had been dragging me around the waterpark all day with a massive grin on his face the whole time and ive actually really enjoyed it.

"Emily pleaaase can we go on the racer slides so I can whoop your ass?" He said grabbing two mats to lay on.

"You sure Jack? Dont want you coming off crying because you lost to a girl." I smirked.

"Ohh please" he exclaimed.

Once we climbed to the top, we set our mats down and got ready for the life guard to say we can go. As soon as we both heard the word 'go' we pushed ourselves down, speeding over the water.

At the second to last bump of the slide, Jack had gotten stuck whereas I carried on flying down, landing in the pool below.

"Hahahaha I win!" I exclaimed when Jack had finally splashed in the pool beside me.

"You wouldn't have done if I hadn't have got stuck" he frowned, pouting his lip out.

"Oh put your lip away otherwise you'll trip over it." I nudged him in the side, grabbing his hand and walking off to our next slide.

"Em, wanna go on the lazy river?" He asked. "Ive seen people get rubber rings where two people can go on them." He smiled.

"Yes i love lazy rivers!" I exclaimed.

We collected it and sat facing eachother in our floating ring.

"You know, I've enjoyed every minute of today and we've only been here a couple of hours." I said relaxing my head back to the sun.

"Same, have you seen the huge inflatable thing they do at the beach? Like what me and Anna went on in Portugal?" He asked.

I looked up adjusting the sunglasses on my face.

"They're doing that? Oh my god I'd love to go on one of those." I said.

"Well we'll go on it before we go back home." He smiled while drawing patterns on my thigh.

"Isn't it weird to think we used to hate eachother?" He asked. I looked at him with a smile.

"Yeah, we'd never really spoken before thats why. Ive realised that we're actually quite a lot like eachother personality wise." I said.

"Mhmm" he hummed, wafting his hands in the water to move the inflatable across the water, splashing it on my warm skin.

I gasped due to the cold contact, accidentally kicking Jack in the ribs while doing so.

"Ow you heavy footed bitch!" He whimpered jokingly.

"Ow you heavy footed bitch!" I imitated just to annoy him. "You're a wimp Maynard!" I said.

"Oh yeah?" He asked before tipping the inflatable so only I fell out.

"You prick! Im not gonna be able to get back in now!" I yelped. When his laughter died down he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the rubber ring.

"You nearly forgot these." He said laughing while handing me my sunglasses that must've fallen in the pool.

"Thanks" i muttered sticking my lip out.

"Oh what was that you said earlier? 'Pick up your bottom lip otherwise you'll fall over it?'" He asked sarcastically. I cracked a grin and laughed at his imitation that sounded nothing like me.

"You're lucky that I you're my best friend aren't you Jack?" I asked.

"Definitely am."

Just finished all my exams until October when I go into Year 11😬

Also thankyou to Maynardsugglee who has blown up my notifs saying that you enjoy this book so thankyou😘😘

-Em x

19th May 2017

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