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I think I was only asleep for about an hour. The light from outside was just starting to peek through the blinds, keeping me awake. Might as well start unpacking so then it's out of the way and I won't have to worry about it. But first I want a shower, considering I didn't have enough time this morning.

I rummaged through my clothes box to find some clean joggers and a top to wear, also grabbing underwear, toiletries and my phone. I always listen to music in the shower, and if anyone doesn't like it and doesnt like me singing along, tough. I switch to my playlist mostly consisting of Bryson Tiller because.... He's King basically.

It took me a while to figure out how to actually use the shower but eventually I got it on and to the right temperature just as my favourite song came on. Let 'em know. I sang to all the words as I usually do while washing my hair.

When I'd showered I quickly got dressed because I'd occupied the bathroom for long enough already, deciding to just let my hair dry in two french braids. I took my toiletries back in my room and placed them on my bed. Right, lets start putting all my stuff away then.

(Skipping it because I'm lazy)

Most of my belongings have been put away and my room was actually starting to look like a bedroom. My dressing table had my several bottles of perfume being displayed and my makeup bag next to the mirror. All of my clothes had either been hung up in the wardrobe or folded and put in the drawers below it.

It was now about three in the afternoon and I hadn't had anything to eat all day. Surely Conor and Jack would've been shopping before we arrived. I opened my door and shivered as my bare feet touched the wood floor of the corridor.

I walked to where I'd saw the kitchen that morning. As I walked past I saw Jack sat at the kitchen table probably editing a video, not seeing Liv or Conor anywhere. "Where's Liv and Conor?" I asked. He didn't even look at me and just replied "they went food shopping since theres nothing in the fridge" I swear I could've probably cried because I was that hungry. I fell on the sofa opposite Jack and huffed while pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Oh and Emily," I looked up to face Jack "that was great singing in the shower by the way." I just scowled at him while he made a joke of how bad my singing was. "You're just lucky Conor wasn't here. I don't think he'd be inpressed by the way you sounded. I thought the shower made people's singing better? Apparently not." He just chucked to himself while tapping something on his laptop. "Like you could sing any better. I bet Conor got all the good genes and you got what was left over. That's if you're not adopted." I smiled smugly. He just laughed sarcastically and carried on doing what he was doing.

Seeing Jack on his laptop reminded me I need to edit my new youtube video that had to be out by tonight. Yeah, I'm a youtuber aswell, mostly sfx and makeup but I also did challenges with other youtubers sometimes. I stood up to get my laptop and bring it back to my space on the sofa. "When did they leave? I haven't had anything to eat all day im starving." I asked whilst logging onto my computer. "Urm they left about half an hour ago so they shouldn't be too long. What are you doing?" I looked up. Why would Jack want to know what I'm doing. He's never seemed bothered about me before. "Editing a burn video. Completely forgot about it." He nodded. "What like you roasting other youtubers?" I laughed really loud at that and he just looked confused. "No, like a special effects burn, yano, with makeup. I do sfx on my channel." I was still laughing. "Ohhh" he laughed aswell once he realised how stupid he sounded.

A bang made both mine and Jack's head snap towards the door. Liv walked in with two big bags in her hand and dropped them infront of the door. "I just nearly snapped my fingers off carrying those." She said while cracking her knuckles. Then Conor walked in with two bags in each hand. "Jesus how much shopping did you get?" I asked while getting up to take some bags off of them both carrying them to the kitchen. "Well theres four of us now so we didn't want to not get enough." Conor replied. Fair enough.

I didn't know where anything went so I just took everything out of their bags and put whatever needed to be in the fridge in the right place. I left the rest for either Conor or Jack to put away and went back to editing.

The constant rumbling of my stomach kept reminding me of how hungry I was. "What are we having for dinner because I haven't eaten all day. I'm surprised you haven't heard my belly rumbling yet." I exclaimed while setting my laptop down with the completed video on the screen. "Well since its Saturday and I'm lazy and none of us can be bothered to cook so we can order a pizza." Conor said. I wasn't mad. Who could be mad when pizza was in the picture? "Sounds cool." Jack said as he closed his laptop and shuffled to the sofa I'm sat on, since the other is occupied by Conor and Liv, and lifted my feet up so he could sit down.

"What does everyone want then?" Liv asked. Literally at the same time, Jack and I replied "Pepperoni pizza and onion rings" everyones eyes widened. "That was fucking weird. Lets not do that again." Jack said and chuckled. "Yano, I've realised lately, you two are the exact same person, just differend genders" Liv pointed her phone at us while she typed in the number for the takeaway. I scoffed. "Just because were both stubborn, doesn't mean were both the same." Jacks mouth opened and he nudged me "hey I'm definitely not stubborn thats just you." I roll my eyes "I beg to differ." I heard someone scoff from across the room. "Kay you can both stop flirting now, it's ringing." As Liv pointed to the phone. Jack just looked at me and smiled smugly as he whispered to me "yeahh Emily, shut up" while nudging my leg. I put my middle finger in his face and smiled to him as he pushed my hand out of his face.

I can already tell, I'm gonna love living here and annoying Jack.



I realised this story is starting off kind of slow but stuff will start to happen in the next chapter I promise :) Also I'll be on holiday with no wifi so I'll probably be writing a lot and updating when I get wifi.

-Em x

30th Aug 2016

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