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Living with a mental disorder of any kind is quite a difficult existence; from depression to social anxiety, from borderline personality disorder to narcissism, it's never easy to go around trying pretending to be as "normal" as your fellow humans. We know this better than anyone, if you have any mental illness and you are reading this, we from this side, understand your position.

Desperation. Sadness. Anger. Fear. Suffocation.

We have experienced it all at different points of our lives, and it has drove us to insanity, and even suicide...But nevertheless, We still stand we here, despite all of insecurities and differences from the World.

I suffer from Dissociative identity disorder, better known by many as multiple personality disorder, a mental disorder that has created multiple versions of me. While I used to consider this condition something absolutely wrong, once I begun to understand my other personalities better, it has become more of a blessing than anything else. Perhaps I just got lucky, or maybe it's the way the illness developed in me, whichever may be the cause, now I like happier than ever before, trying to strike for a better understanding and loving of myself.

The following are a collection of writings whose purpose is to explain and describe any and all my different personalities. Originally, the purpose of this was to help me understand "ourselves" better, but now that I have finished it, I believe it's worth publishing. It may be an interesting reading, or maybe even inspiring, it may even help anyone with a similar condition.

I hope you enjoy.


We, From This World

Fragmented Mind EncyclopediaWhere stories live. Discover now