We May be Young

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This chapter is dedicated to @Hannahrainbow4455

Flaujae POV
Me and Roscoe got out and I wanted him to f**k me. Ya I know I just went through a whole bunch of pain but I wanted him. I turned and kissed him and he was surprised. I loved when he kissed me rough. Roscoe carried me to the bed and laid me down and the whole time never broke from the kiss. The kisses trailed down to my breast. I started moaning and Roscoe stuck 2 of his fingers inside me and kept adding more. It felt so good. He took his fingers out and licked them "You taste like strawberries" I blushed and grabbed him and kissed him again. I grabbed his d**k and kissed the tip he got hard. I put it in my mouth and sucked. He kept moaning and and eventually he c***ed. He aimed his thing at my entrance and rammed into me "Roscoe, bae!" "Flau I'm finna..'' 'Me too" he hit my sweet spot one more time and we both c*m. We laid next to each other and fell asleep.

2 weeks later

I woke up and threw up and then I heard someone else throw up. I walked down stairs and I must've looked like crap cause Nova was about to say hi before he let out a not so manly scream "Do I look that bad" I said. He was trying to figure out what and how to say it. "Well..kinda..sorry...but yes" I groan and start walking back upstairs. I saw Dee and she looked pretty rough as well. I went to the bathroom and screamed "Flau, bae are you okay" I turn around and saw Roscoe with a panicked expression. I then had a thought. What if I'm pregnant again? I sob and Roscoe comes and comforts me. "Roscoe, I have a question. Did you use a con**m that night?" He thought about it and his face paled. Right away I knew the answer. No. "Baby im sorry I guess..." I kissed him and when I pulled back he looked confused. "So your not Mad" he said looking at me like I lost my mind "Nope not at all. Im happy to have your child." I said smiling from ear to ear. He smiled back at me and hugged me. We went down stairs with happy faces. "Uh-oh. Did y'all have some make out session or something"said Nova. Roscoe looked at me and I nodded "Well" he started "Flaujae is pregnant!" They all looked at us and screamed. I was overjoyed that thus was Roscoe baby. "Is this Roscoe baby" asked my my mom "Yep" I said. She em led and came and hugged me. Dee was next to nova whispering seyhing in his ear. Dee and nova stood up and cleared there throats. "We also have something to say" started Nova "Dee is pregnant as well" we all hooped and hollered. JD had to be notified but we decided to surprise him. I looked at my stomach and saw a small bump. I actually smiled.

I saw Flau look at her stomach and smile. Roscoe went next to her and kissed her. For them to be so young they have so much love for each other. "You okay" asked nova as he kissed me. ''Ya I'm fine just thinking" "What should we name our kid" "Actually Nova, my baby bump is pretty big. What if were having more than one child?" He thought for a minute. "Wont bother me. That just means more people to share the love to" I smiled knowing he would be beside me the whole time. I saw all the managers looking at us smiling, but then I had thought "When are we gonna tell JD" everyone looked at me "Well" started Ekko "Its week 8 and since our final performance is in 5 weeks I say we tell him the last week" we all nodded in agreement. The rest of the day we relaxed.

Roscoe POV
If Dee told y'all we was relaxing she was lying to y'all faces. The girls went to the mall and Ekko, Jermaine, Nova,and me were at the house. "Y'all sure y'all ready for a child" asked Ekko. Me and Nova looked at each other "I'm more than ready" I replied "Yea. I mean come on, theese are the love if our lives having OUR baby. We are happy and ready to fulfill the job as a parent." said Nova. The managers looked like they was on the verge of tears. "Wait" said J "What about school" We thought and said "Home school" the managers looked fine with that answer. The girls walked through the door and Flau looked hella tired. Her bump was getting bigger. I walked towards her and placed my hand on her stomach and kissed her. She smiled in the kiss. I could tell she was excited. We broke from the kiss and everyone stared at us. Me and Flaujae blushed. "Y'all are inspirational" said Kia

(A/n: Yo I just found out Flaujae mamma name was Kia)

I looked at Flau and asked "How" "Its the way you guys love each other and would never give up on each other. Y'all would be there for each other no matter what." Said Ekko "Damn, when did y'all get so deep?" Asked Dee. We all laughed. I love times like this and I hope our baby will too.

A/n: hope you guys liked the chapter. This book probably only has like 5 maybe 6 chapter left, ion know. And if you show your love for the book and/or me you will get a chapter dedicated to you. Bye loves💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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