Fuck Gamindustri! (Leanbox: Day 1)

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     I'm not even surprised anymore. Can you guess what happened? Yup that's right, I got fired by Lowee and was hired by Leanbox. I wonder how long it'll take to get kicked out of here. Except there's one difference here. I'm not a biomedical scientist, I'm just a medic. People come to me when they're injured and I patch them up with my Medigun. BORING. I just want something that allows me to get access to the big guns! But hey, I technically still AM doing research. I continue the job I want at home on weekends and do my boring day job the rest of the week. I hate it. My progress is slower than ever. But that's not the worst, my sister is starting to get pretty pissed. She's younger than I am but she has a pretty big temper. I usually don't try to get her mad but my passion for developing my creation further has made her quite upset. I don't spend a lot of time with her these days, other than mornings and supper. I know it's not that nice of me to not spend time with her but I absolutely must continue my work. It's Monday today. It's the first day and I'm already learning tricks. For starters, I've learned that guards patrol the hallways strictly and with a tight schedule. This will work to my advantage since I'll be able to predict their movements. The second thing is that most of the nurses here are pretty...lascivious...so I can manipulate them into creating distractions if I need. I do not care for anyone here so I won't fall into my own trap. The third thing is that Leanbox likes to go old-fashioned in some ways; there are no cameras in this entire Basilicom! Perfect. I will have to keep watching and studying. I must make sure to stay under the radar for now or else I'll be through.


     Knowledge flows through me! Leanbox really is pitiful isn't it? This place has less security than I thought! I swear, I could still break into the Sharicite Gem containment unit even if I was only 12 years old! Anyway, the reason I mentioned the Sharicite Gem was because it is a vital part for my next creation! It will be similar to the previous design except that it will make my very atoms digital!...maybe. If I've done the math correctly, I should be able to phase right into anything electronic and pass from device to device without the need to be seen. A phantom signal on the radar. If I succeed in this task, there shall be no one to stop me. But it's Friday and the work day is nearly over. I'll need to use the weekend in order to make a plan. It should be pretty simple since the security is terrible but nonetheless, I still need to make one. I was walking home when I realized that I was running late! My sister has some sort of outing with her school and I needed to drive her. I started running, looking down at my phone which was calculating the fastest route. Then I hit something, no, I slammed into someone. I felt both of us topple to the ground, a few of my irrelevant papers went off with the wind.

-"Ugh, ow." I said, looking at my elbow which had a minor scratch.

     Wait a minute, I shouldn't be worrying about myself right now, what if the person I ran into was hurt more than I was? I quickly looked up to see who I had hit. Whoever I hit was already standing up, offering their hand to help me up. 


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