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Sherlock had come Bart's earlier in the day to find out about a case he'd been working on. Or so that’s what he'd said. John had suspected there was something up and had offered to come with him but Sherlock insisted on going to Bart's by himself. He'd made that very clear.

When Sherlock had arrived Molly had found it odd at first that Sherlock should come to her for help and not just carry out the experiments at home. But when at last, the final member of Molly's team had departed the lab at 5:32, Sherlock had stopped all work and had turned to Molly.

"I know I'm a dick." he said. "John tells me all the time." Molly stopped dissecting the heart she was carefully cutting into pieces and turned to Sherlock.

"You're not a dick." she tried to explain, but Sherlock didn't miss a beat with his reply.

"LET ME FINISH!" he almost shouted. "sorry." he said lowering his tone. "It's just, I never fully appreciated beauty before. But now," Sherlock stood and walked slowly towards Molly. Molly was taking the blood covered gloves off and staring, with a confused look, at Sherlock. "I know what I've been missing."

"And what's that?" Molly asked tentatively in case Sherlock wanted silence again.



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