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"A.G.R.A......A.G.R.A....Where have I heard those initials before!?" Sherlock was working himself up. Pacing back and forth trying to remember where he’d heard the initials before. Searching through old corridors of his mind palace like a madman. Meanwhile Molly had rushed over to Irene. She may not be a doctor but she could tell Irene was in pain. "MARY!!!" Sherlock cried at last.

"What!?" Molly cried puzzled that Sherlock would think of John's wife at a time like this. Sherlock stormed out of the room leaving Molly to care for the fading Irene.

Cold air slapped Sherlock in the face as he left Bart's pulling out his phone Sherlock hailed a cab. After three rings John answered.

"Whats up Sherlock? Any news on the--"

"Where's Mary?" 

"What!?" John asked confused.

"Where is your wife?" Sherlock asked again.

"Oh, she's on her way to Catherine's. It’s their annivers---"

"Where?" Sherlock asked.

"At their house I guess."

"And where's that?"

"44 Eaton Square. Why?" John asked but Sherlock had already hung up.

"44 Eaton Square." Sherlock told the taxi driver and they whizzed off into the dark.


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