Chapter 16: Persimmon's Decision

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Persimmon was at home when he heard the door bell ring. He answered it to find Mrs. Abernathy holding a box.

"It's Charleston's book collection. His favourites, anyway. He would want you to have them. If there's anything else you might want, come to his house today, because we're sorting through it all, and tomorrow, whatever's left will be sold."

Persimmon thanked Mrs. Abernathy for letting him know, and informed her that he would need a moment before coming over. He took the box, closed the door, and went to his room. Inside his room, he looked through the books. There were a number of adventure fantasy novels, including the entire series of A Tall Order by Wilhelm Gogh. The places described in that book series were the kinds that beggared belief.

Volume Four, he thought. That was Persimmon's favourite. He decided that he would indeed keep these books, to remember his friend by. He decided to go to his friends' house to find whatever else he could.

James and crew were watching the local news, and heard that the murderer had been identified as Reginald Killifish, a hitman who worked for the Rough-House Gang. He was found dead in an abandoned warehouse, with no indication of other people.

"Well, with nothing to solve, I think we're done here," said James. "Does anyone have any reason they want to stay?"

"I don't think I ever ended up buying that gunpowder," said Cameron. "Or don't we need it?"

"Right, another trip to the markets, then, before we go."

Barracuda was waiting outside as the two crime bosses were getting their bedrest. Unbeknownst to him, something that both leaders were not expecting had begun to unfold.

"Cyber? What are you doing here? How did you get out of your containment?" asked Salvador, surprised to see that the parasite was sitting on top of him.

"That parasite! I've wanted to see it, and now it's here!" said Hedges, barely able to contain his excitement.

Master, echoed a voice in Salvador's head. Your name is Salvador Kings. You are a suitable host for my power.

The parasite jumped, and began to dig its way into Salvador's chest. As it did so, it began to look more and more ghostly in its appearance. When it was finished, it caused Salvador to have spasms, as it began to rewrite his DNA.

Three minutes later, the spasms stopped and Hedges asked Salvador if he was okay.

"I am fine, Hedges. In fact, I think I'm going to be better than ever," answered Salvador.

Persimmon had searched through all of his friend's things, looking for any items he might want as keepsakes. He had not found anything nearly as meaningful to him as the books, and so was about to leave. It was at that moment, as he was heading out the door, that Mr. Abernathy came and invited him to the funeral, and encouraged him to bring others.

Persimmon knew who we wanted to come, and where to go to find him. He headed towards the markets.

At the market, as Cameron and Milangelo were buying gunpowder, James and the others were talking to Gumboot.

"So, you're eighty-two and you're still going out to sell fish?" asked James.

"I don't know what I'd do with myself otherwise!" laughed Gumboot. "There ain't much else I can do."

They continued to talk until Persimmon arrived, and by that point, Cameron and Milangelo had finished and loaded the ship with gunpowder, and then come back to meet with the rest of the group. He invited them all to the funeral, which would be held at seven p.m. that evening.

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