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Percy POV

I opened my eyes, my beautiful wife of sixteen years asleep next to me. She sighed and rolled over. I leaned next to her face and whispered.

"Good morning Wise Girl!" She opened her big grey eyes and looked at me.

"Good morning babe." She kissed me. Although we've kissed many times, each one felt like that first underwater kiss we've shared. I nipped her lip and she smiled. I pulled away. My phone buzzed. It was Rachel.

"Dropped the news." She texted, Annabeth read over my shoulder.

"What'd you think happened?" She asked.

"I don't know babe, we have to just hope for the best and that he took the news well. Let me ask her." I texted Rachel.

"He passed out but he's fine now." I laughed. Annabeth read the text and smirked.

"He getting the spontaneous naps for you ya know." She playfully hit me.

"Na uh!" I pretended to be hurt.

"She would we go see him?" She nervously but her lip.

"If you're ready!" I replied.

"But. . .what if he doesn't like us, what if he's mad!" She whimpered.

I pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes, "hey, it'll be fine!"

"Okay, let's go meet our son." She helped me up.

Beckendorf POV

I slowly opened my aching eyes. My head hurt like heck and I couldn't see very well. I looked up to see an older camper, Will I think his name was, leaning over me.

"Are you okay, can you hear me, how many fingers am I holding up?" He pushed a hand into my face and I swatted it away, sitting up.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. What happened?"

"How much do you remember?" He asked.

"Are Percy and Annabeth Jackson really my parents?" Will was one of the few people my parents had trusted with the secret; along with Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Leo, and Thalia - as I later discovered. 

"Yes, you are Beckendorf Michael Jackson." He smiled and patted my hand, "get some rest, I think your parents are coming to visit."

"What!" The meds started to kick in and I slowly reclosed  my eyes.

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