2 - The Midnight School

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A/N; I am so sorry, but I got lots of stories I need to update :C *Lies* Nah, I just updating on More Blood, this one, Drifting and Let It Go. I'll try. God know what I have been up too owo Anyway, this story is about the twins, Natsu and Kira. They moved into the Sakamaki household, some of the chapters is based on the anime, the others, on the roleplay :3


Natsu's P.O.V

I woke up, the surface was soft, very soft,  the sheets were pink, Kira was in a another room. Wait, what?

"Kira? Kira!" I exclaimed, suddenly, I realized, I was in the house, full with vampires. I sighed and tried to not be scared, it didn't succeed. The door opened and the spiky hair boy came in, after him, the Lolita Boy with the creepy teddybear showed up from nowhere, stood now beside of the bed.

"You are awake"

"Y-yes, I am"

"Good" He sighed and fixed his hair.

"Who are you?"

"Still, you can't realize that we are vampires?" I shook my head and stared at him.

"You can't prove it" I whispered, shutting my eyes. The boy sighed and stretched out his hand. I hesitated for a moment, but laid my hand on his, it was true, it was cold.

"See? We are vampires" He said in a serious tone, he shrug his arms and left a school outfit.

"What for?"

"School, dress up and come to the car" He said coldly, he looked back at the Lolita Boy.

"C'mon, Kanato, let's move" He said and walked out, the Boy looked at me before leaving the room, closing the door. I sighed and pulled off the nightgown, I decided to take a shower before putting the clothes on.

Kira's P.O.V

I woke, not screaming. I was surprised and looked around the room, Natsu wasn't here. I sighed, laid down again. The door opened and the Hat Guy came in. A smirk was hidden on his lips and put down a outfit.

"Ah, you are awake, here, dress up and come down to the car" He smiled, walked away. I looked after him and pulled of the nightgown, putting the outfit on and walked down to the car. I looked after her and saw her inside the car, I sighed again and sat down. The seat sank a little and I saw the Hat Guy, sitting right next to me.

"What a coincidence" He smiled, laying his arm around me, pulled me closer to him. I sooner realized I blushed, but tried to hide it. Natsu seemed to say something, but shut her mouth.

"You were going to say something, spit it out, Pancake" The spiky haired boy said and looked at her, smiling. Natsu opened her mouth.

"Well, I- Wait, Pancake?" She sounded confused and stared at him. The boy nodded and smirked.

"Your breasts are flat, that's why" He laughed. Natsu stared at him.

"Does the breast size matter for you?" Nat sighed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You are tighter than tights" The Hat Guy replied, smirked. I felt an urge to give him a slap on his face, but didn't. I finally got the courage and pulled me out of his grip.

"Please, don't touch me" I said, looking at him. The Hat Guy laughed and pulled me against him,  harder this time.

"Oh, I just not gonna touch you" He smiled and licked my neck.


"Knock it off" I blushed, looking away from him.

"Admit it, you like it" He said, feeling his hand on one of my bare legs. I lifted up my hand, but let it fall when the car stopped.

"Ah, finally, we are here" He said, pulled me out to the classroom.

Natsu's P.O.V

Me and Ayato were in the cooking room, prepared to do takoyaki, as it was called.

"I don't know how to do these" I sighed and looked at him.

"Not my problem" I glared at him, taking out the ingrendients.

"At least you could try to help me?" I shook my head and put down the plates. He shrug his shoulders and helped with the food. Sometimes, during the making, I felt his eyes on me all the time.


"Nothing" He smiled. After a while of making the takoyaki, we were finally finished, Ayato picked up the first one and took a bite. Surprised over his reaction, he smiled bigger and looked at me.

"Tasty" He smiled.

"You taste" He said and picked up one for me. I took it and ate it. I nodded in agreement.

"You are right, it is tasty" I smiled, looking up at him. He stared at me for a moment before laying his hands on my hips, pushing me against the wall behind me.

"What the-?" I saw the hunger in his eyes and didn't say anything, he leaned closer and licked my neck before his teeth sank into my skin. Before letting it go, I let him drink for a while. I got enough and pushed him away, running away.

~ The Pool Room ~

I stood there, looking down at the water. It's waves hit against the hard edge, I couldn't help, but smile. Suddenly Ayato showed up behind me, in surprise. Not reacting so fast, he took me up, held me close to his chest, what I was stunned of, I couldn't hear his heartbeat, it wasn't there.

"Foolish girl, don't you realize you can't hide from us?" He said before throwing me down into the water, I tried swim and stared at him.

"Ayato, I can't..." I tried to say it and waved with my arms.

"I can't swim" I finally said, sinking down to the bottom. Ayato looked at me for a moment before jumping down and held me close. He lifted my face one of his fingers, staring at his eyes before he leant in and kissed me. I did nothing in protest, he pulled away and pulled down the arm of the outfit, biting on my shoulder. I gave away a small whimper, but did nothing. After a while under the water, I finally breathing on the surface, shudder of the coldness inside the room.

"Here" Was the only word I heard from him and felt a towel on my head. I turned around to meet him, but he was already gone.

Kira's P.O.V

I walked around the halls, tried to find my room. I sighed and opened my door, after I shut it, I saw Laito sitting on my bed.

"What the? Why are you even here?" I said in fear, before I could, he smashed his lips against mine. I tried to breath and push him away, but nothing happened, he pushed me against the shower that was on.

"You told me to not touch you" He smirked.

"But not to bite you" He kept smirking, leaning in against my neck, kissing it before biting. I gave away small whimper and did nothing to push him away. I knew I couldn't defend myself against him, I felt how the water came running, pouring down on our bodies. I looked down and blushed, my white shirt were invisible. Laito stopped and looked at me, smiling.

"You are really hot, you know that?" He said and kissed me softly, stupid me enough, I was dizzy because of the hot water and answered the kiss. He smirked a little and pulled back.

"Okay, I have some little respect to you if you get finished to dinner" He smiled and disappeared. I looked after him and blushed, I turned off the shower and changed clothes to a white tank-top, jeans and shoes. To hide the bitemark, I took on a scarf and a cardigan, walking down to the dining room.

Do you like this so far? Leave it to the comments below and I will try to update as soon as I can for real ^^ Take care x3

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