I will hurt you

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“Are we there yet?”


“Are we there yet?”


“Are we there yet?”


“Are we there yet?”

“No!” mom and Steven shouted annoyed at the same time.

LJ and I were quiet for about a minute.

“Are we there now?” We asked at the same time.

“Yes.” Steven said relieved.

He barely stopped the car when LJ and I jumped out and ran full speed to the house. We both want the second best room since the best belongs to mom and Steven. We pushed and shoved our way up stairs laughing the entire way. I won!!

“No fair, you cheated.” LJ whined.

“Hey, I got here first.”

“You only got here first because you tripped me.”

“It’s not my fault you can’t watch where you’re going.”

The argument lasted a good ten minutes, finally he gave up and went to find the other room. After I was done unpacking I took a minute to admire my handy work.

----------------her room is in the pic on the side----------------->

“What do you think Sparky?” I asked my puppy. He jumped around and barked excitedly.

“Yeah, I think it looks good to.” I bent down and gave him a tummy rub.

When I went downstairs Steven was busy putting on his running shoes. “Hey, Katie. LJ and I are going for a run. Wanna join?”

“Sure, I’ll be right down.” I went back to my room, got dressed in short shorts, a t-shirt, my running shoes and tied my hair back in a ponytail. I went back downstairs. “Okay ready.”

LJ, Steven and I took off running down the road to the beach. Which is far away.

“Stop!” LJ called after Steven who was running in front of us. “Need air.” He gasped.

“I…can’t…feel my…legs.” I gasped for air too. We were on the beach now. LJ and I were almost dead, but Steven looks like he barely broke a sweat. The dude is crazy fit. My legs are burning like crazy and my lungs are screaming for air.

Steven laughed and jogged back to where we stopped. “This won’t happen if you two stop sneaking down in the middle of the night for pie.”

“I’d…rather eat myself to death…than die of…exercise.” I managed to choke out while gasping for air. I heard someone laugh but I focused more on breathing and standing, which is hard because my legs feel like jelly.

“Oh come on. It’s not that bad.” Steven said then started jogging again.

LJ and I groaned. We couldn’t take another step. We leaned against each other for support. But we were too tired to handle each other’s weight so we collapsed on the ground.

“Seriously guys?” Steven asked coming back. I heard that same people laugh again. But I was too tired to lift my head. But I had to because I had sand in my mouth. I slowly lifted my head and spitted out the sand. Gross!

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