Oi Dad, Sorry Doctor

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Hello and welcome to my life. Who am I,  I hear you ask?

I am Electra Smith, I am the human age of 16. I'm kinder human and kinder Time Lady. Call it 50/50. I should most likely explain what the heck is a Time Lady? Well its alien, a Time Lady being and woman and Time Lord being a male. It ancient race from the planet Gallifrey. 

Before you ask, I am not green, red with un-human feature. In fact I look normal, so normal that I look human from the outside, but Time Lord inside. Well humans looks Gallifreyan as they came before humans. However, Gallifreyans live long lives as they can regenerate. 

It means that any time that whenever are hurt, so hurt they are close to dying, they can 'fix' themselves. It can change a person face, hair and eye colour and even their personality's. Take on a whole new life. Plus they have two hearts, which is pretty neat.

Gallifrey, no longer exist. There was a bad, such a bad day. There is no longer the ancient race of Gallifreyans looking over the Galaxy, with wisdom and the power of time travel in their hands. There was a war, a war so bad that it has a name that send shivers down people time. 

The Last Great Time war. It was between the Time Lords/Time Lady's a race that protect and looked over the Galaxy's in peace. There was also the Daleks, a ruthless, emotionless race that wanted to take over the Universe. The Time Lords/Lady's defended and sacrificed themselves to stop it. 

However, one Gallifreyan survived. The 'on-coming storm'. The warrior who fought on the front line and survived. Watch his planet destroyed, turn to madness, friends and family gone. He was on his own. The last ever pure Time Lord. A man that travel time and space, saving people. Changing lives of everyone he meets. He ask for no thank you, never admits hes alone, but he is. His name is the Doctor. 

I haven't met him, he doesn't know I even exist. He knows who my mother is - Sarah Jane Smith one of his most trusted companions. Who was one of the person who's life changed, as she saves the world. You think why would go on, on about a man I didn't know personal, who doesn't know me either.

Its because he is my father. 

I know shocker!. Well I did say I was half Time Lady. I have two hearts, but human blood which limits the factor of me being able to regenerate. Mr Smith (Are alien super computer, or mostly known as a Xylok) told me I have 50/50 chance of regeneration. So I have to avoid danger. Saving the world on regular basis limits that. My mother says I have my fathers brain, for the love of science and the idea traveling the stars. Plus Time Lords/Lady's have great telepathic ability, I have some telepathic, but not that strong. 

Back to whole saving the Earth on regular basis. My mom and myself are investigating a local school which wasn't high in grade averages and like it was over night it went rocketing. There was a new head teacher, but more then ten new teacher with better qualification and really don't seem like the people to teach there.

So it's a bit odd, so were off to investigate. Let's hope it's not some alien that want to kill us or its just a group of really smart human wanting to help a bad school.

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