Chapter 4 - Electra's/Sarah Jane's P.O.V

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Chapter 4 - Electra's P.O.V

Time ticked by as it did I had to be clever and act normal so Mum didn't suspect anything. It began getting darker and darker by the second, how long was going to wait. It was abut five o'clock that teachers are out of school. It was way past that now. I sat on the steps pretending to tap about my phone, as Mom came into the hallway.

"Bye honey, see you soon."Mum said, as she got her bag and outside. I mumbled a bye as she got in her car and drove off, I rushed to the window and looked to see her exiting the pathway. I grabbed my skateboard and headed out of the door after Mum.  

Thankfully the school wasn't far from home and I needed more skills on my skate board. Mum car was parked a street away from the school. I waited for her to get out of the car, looking around cautiously as she did and they took off to the school and sneaked inside. 

Slowly, I reached the door and pulled open the door as mum had opened it, forget to shut it. The school was soundless and without the echos or the sounds of children running about. I headed down the corridor which was Maths. If I looked in the classrooms or cupboards I could find something. 

I reached the door, it was open Mum must have left it open. Entering the dark and soundless school was strange. I had the feeling someone was watching me, but I dismissed it. I continued on my journey down the Maths corridor. Maybe I could find something in the classrooms, or cupboards.

To the left there was a cupboard, something must be something in there. I opened the door as soon as I opened it something came out and landed on me making me scream out loud 

Sarah Jane's P.O.V

The best place to start in a investigation is the basement. No one goes down there, no students and easy to access by the staff. If they what Mr Smith said they was, it was best to find them first. Just as I past the boiler room I heard the sounds of footsteps. 

I gasped and rushed into the boiler room, shutting the door careful, walking backwards I crashed into something wooden. I turned around and almost crashed to the floor. I saw the impossible, a box I thought I would never see again 

It was the TARDIS. It had to be, it was in strange place and that aura about it that screamed I knew it. If it was here, the Doctor hadn't bee to far. I couldn't stand it, I began walking out of the room, my eyes not leaving the TARDIS.

I felt eyes burning into me. I quickly spun round to see a man I met earlier. He was young, dressed in sharp suit, and long brown trench coat. His name was John Smith.

"Hello Sarah Jane."John said. Wait a minutes that's not John Smith, he looked at me as if he knew me. The TARDIS was here and the Doctor wasn't that far. In front of me was the Doctor

"It you, Doctor it's you.You've regenerate."I said. He was so young, he didnt't have a speck of grey hair, he was slim and tall. 

"More than half a dozen times since i last saw you."The Doctor said, with a nervously laugh. 

"I waited for you. You left me, i waited for you."I said, my emotions shacking my voice.

"Back the laws didn't allow humans."The Doctor said. I knew that, but he could have come back and explain not left like I was trash. He left me all alone, pregnant with his child. Not that I didn't love Electra, she was my world. I was on my own, with a alien baby I was luck that the Doctor had friends that were willing to help.

"I waited like you said."I said angry.

"I couldn't have you keep coming back for you. You need to get on with your life."The Doctor said, his voice serious. 

"You was my life."I said.

"It would have awkward."The Doctor said. 

"Why?"I asked. 

"You know.."The Doctor said, embarrassed. Ooh, it finally hit me of what he meant. He was right about that 'night'. 

"Plus you wouldn't have your daughter Electra."The Doctor said. He was some what right about that. I don't know what the Doctor would have react like when I had told him about Electra.

"Your right, I do love her."I said.

"And the father?"The Doctor asked. I stared at him, should I tell him the truth. It was huge secret that I kept from him and he might just leave. I don't want that to happen to Electra.

"Dead"I lied. Before the Doctor could react, I heard a girls scream from somewhere within in the school. Someone was in trouble, and me and the Doctor was going to run towards it.

The Doctor smirked and held out his hands. I took a deep breath and took his hand and we took off running, like the good old days.

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