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Ship: Bennomi (mild)
Scene: Lost Boy's (not so) Secret Base, Three Musketeer's Base
P.O.V(s): Bennett, Naomi

Someone mumbles something and I'm kicked in the face. My eyes shoot open and I groan. I sit up and look around me. I'm in a dark room with only a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Standing in front of me was a tall lean guy with shaggy blonde hair.

"Release me and fight me like a man!" I hear Declan holler. The blonde mumbled something and left the room.

Naomi! Where's Naomi? And Jordan? Declan?

I turned around and checked my surroundings. But it was really dark. After squinting my eyes I could make out Jordan and Declan struggling violently in a corner of the room. Naomi was no where to be seen. Our legs were tied together with rope and our arms were folded behind us and tied up too. I tried to break free from the rope around my wrists but its tied too tightly. I relent and sigh.

"Where's Naomi?" I asked, scooting closer to the duo. Jordan shrugged. Declan shook his head and muttered quietly, "I don't know but I heard some of them outside discussing what to do with Naomi."

"I'll break their bones if they try anything funny.." hissed Jordan.

"If only we could break free. We could take them by surprise. If there aren't many of them." I said.

Jordan gave us a smirk. "I've got a penknife in my back pocket. Time to bust out of here."

Jordan gets on his knees. He motions with his head for Declan to get it.

"Ugh I don't wanna touch your butt.." Declan grunts and digs into the blonde's back pocket for the pen knife. He pulls it out and starts cutting Jordan's ropes. Jordan stands up the moment he is free and stretches. He helps Declan and me afterwards.

"Free! At last!" grinned Declan. He cracked his knuckles and helps me get up. I adjusted my hoodie. I check if my extra gun is still in my inside hoodie pocket. I heaved a sigh of relief when it is still there. We tip toed to the door and listen carefully. Nothing.

We open the door and checked outside. Just a dark hallway with other rooms. I heard muttering in the room at the end of the corridor and could make out the sound of muffled screaming. I turn back to the duo.

"I think I know where Naomi is."

Naomi's P.O.V

"What the hell do you even want from us?!" I held my head up high and I take another blow on my face. I spit out salty blood and hissed.

"We want you and your little gang dead." Hissed the interrogator. I scrunched up my nose. I was shut in a small dark room with a tall lean man with dark hair and cold eyes. I was tied up and seated on a chair.

"Isn't this just so damn stupid?" I asked. The man punched my nose and I think I broke it. Blood gushes out and I cringe from the pain.

"Shut up, will you?" He ran a hand through his disheveled hair. He mutters something and leaves the room. Minutes seemed to pass afterwards.

I was starting to feel faint due to the blood lost when the door creeked open slowly. I peered into the darkness and squealed inside. They're alright!
Bennet makes his way in with Jordan by his side. Their eyes widenned like saucers the moment they laid their eyes on the blood running down my nose. Bennett takes off his jacket and tries to stop the bleeding with it while the blonde flicked out a penknife and started sawing hard on the rope.

"Where's Declan? Is he okay?" I sighed as Bennett caressed my hair while his hoodie is pressed against my face.

"He's standing out on watch in case someone returns. But oh gosh are you alright Naomi? If only I.. I'm so sorry you're like this.." Jordan trailed off and I'm finally free. I get up and stumble. I guess sitting on a chair for hours must have made my bones stiff as heck. Unexpectedly someone silently picks me up bridal style and starts making quick strides towards the exit. It's Bennett.

"You know I can walk, right?"

"Yeah but aren't you injured." I noticed a little tinge of pink on his cheeks so I decided to stop. I gazed at Jordan behind us. That idiot only gave me a smirk and thumbsup. I rolled my eyes at him. I held Frazier's hoodie closer to my nose and breathed into his scent with my broken nose. We looked out and see Declan glaring into the darkness.

He gasped silently at my bloody clothes but I shake my head. "We better move quickly." I whispered. The three musketeers nodded and we start wandering down the many corridors quickly but quietly.


To be honest, Naomi wasn't very light. I wonder how much pizza we've fed her. She was pretty warm. Naomi clung onto me as I carried her in my arms. This is kinda embarrassing, I mentally slapped myself.

We're running down the hallways but we hear nothing. No Lost Boys. Nothing. Which was pretty odd. We finally found the exit. It had a green sign flashing above the door. Declan opened it and checked warily. He held open the door and turned back to say something but a gunshot resounds and our eyes widenned. Declan falls to his knees then lies on the floor motionless. Jordan is the first to react. He reaches out and shakes him. But he doesn't respond. A pool of blood starts to form and its growing bigger with every passing second. Another gunshot. The exit door is still open and we can see the Lost Boys standing there, smirks on their faces.

Jordan collapses too. Naomi screams out. "Bennett? Watch out!" But the bullet has already pierced through me.

"No!" I jolt up. Dazed, I take a quick look around me. I'm still in our Base and I'm on the sofa. I inhaled sharply and burried my face into my hands. What just happened? Questions swirled around my head.

"A nightmare, Benny?" Jordan teased as he sat next to Declan. Naomi is seated on the floor, hugging her knees and facing me.

"You suddenly blacked out during the prank. You okay?"

"Wait what prank?"

Declan folds his arms and gives me a grin. Jordan bursts out laughing. He takes out a device I've never seen before and wipes away his fake tears. "It was some holographs I created. Didn't think you'll fall for it. Though Naomi fell for it too!"

She pushed up her specs and punched Jordan and Declan's legs. They both shut up afterwards.

"So this was all just a prank?"

"Yep." said Jordan.

I sighed and curled up on the sofa. I guess I worry too much about the Lost Boys.

"Oh and Declan won the Flavour War by the way." Naomi sighed.

"Hell yeah I did!" He punched a fist in the air. Jordan rolls his eyes and starts nomming on a pizza slice. I realised that they were eating pizza while I was out cold. Then I remembered. I turned to face Naomi and tilted my head.

"How much pizza do you even eat?"

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