Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I wake up to my little sister pushing me onto the hard and cold floor of my room. She's only nine and I was fourteen, but she's a lot stronger then she looks. I groan slightly and open my eyes.

"Samantha!" I groan as I kept laying on the floor. I was surprising comfortable

"It's time for school." She said cheerfully. "Hurry up, Kol! It's time for school!" She screamed in my ear. She giggled softly and ran out of my rooming slamming the door. When she slammed the door I knew our step dad wouldn't be very happy and he would start yelling like the drunken man he was.

I quickly got dressed and walked out of my room. Samantha ran over and hugged my leg.

"Come on, brats lets go to school!" I heard my step dad yell.

"We'll walk." I said as I grabbed my sister's hand. He grumbled and said a few strong words and walked back to his room. Our mom had died a few years ago in some boating accident. I didn't dwell on it to much for my sister's sake.

"Come on, Sammy." I smiled as I walked out the door and toward school. I normally walked my sister to the Elementary School then I went on to High School.

"Horse." Samantha said as she pointed in the sky. I looked up, but the sun was in my eyes. I blinked slightly, but whatever it was it was gone.

"Why was there a horse in the sky?" I asked her.

"I don't know! I'm not the horse whisper!" Samantha snorted. I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly.

We where getting close to the Elementary when something went totally wrong. Not the whoops kind the oh crap kind.

I heard a growl of something a lot larger then a normal stray dog to my right. I quickly grabbed my sister's arm and put her behind me. She hugged my arm and hid behind me. A large dog like creature suddenly came bounded out of one of the alley ways. It snarled and ran toward me, but of corse things got weirder.

Suddenly the dog charged at us. I managed to fend it off. It took a nice bite into my arm, but I would fine. Then an arrow came out of no where and pinned it's in the dog's eye and turned it to dust. This caused my sister to whimper and hold my arm tighter. I looked around to see where the arrow had come from. I spotted the horse my sister must of seen earlier, but it wasn't just any horse. This horse had wings and soon it landed in front of us, a girl was on it's back.

Let me tell you something. This girl could beat the hottest girl at my school in a beauty contest. This girl was smoking. She had chocolate brown hair that was curled perfectly and she had the most beautiful blue eyes. I was probably staring at her like a dumbfounded idiot, but I didn't care.

Samantha hit me hard in the back causing me to come out of my admiring if you want to call it that, but if you want to call it staring I don't think I would disagree. Samantha smirked and walked over to the winged horse and the girl. The girl rolled her eyes as she looked at me.

"I always get stuck with the boys." I heard her mutter.

Samantha was petting the horse and talking to it like she always did.

"You like horses?" The girl asked her as she bent down so she was eye level with Samantha. Samantha nodded.

"Sometimes they even talk." She smirked. "This one is chatting up a strom." She giggled.

"I'm sorry about my sister and her crazy fantasies." I apologize as I walk over to the two putting a hand on the horse who snorted and snapped at my hand. The girl just scoffed slightly.

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